Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A New HAARP Observation

What the hell is this, it was 60 degrees yesterday and sunny.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This first week March HAARP pattern has confirmed some things and revealed others. Whenever we get a HAARP storm, the jets start flying. The Saturday before there were 2 jets, this past Saturday, the jets were flying non stop, just as they were in previous HAARP preliminary events as this is a northern staging zone.

What I noticed though which is perplexing is for the past 3 super storms, the skies were absolutely clear and the days were lovely. I have been a meteorologist since I was a child. My Auntie actually worked for the weather service and launched balloons daily to get readings. She was ancient, so you know how old that system was. We used to talk quite a bit about the weather.

Weather follows patterns as I have stated. Normal weather or storms, you should see wispy high cirrus clouds coming in from the direction of the storm system that is developing, 36 hours before. The high Stratus clouds which look like animal fat and ribs follow, and that gives you about 18 hours before the weather hits.

If you are good at this, you can become educated how the weather affects your local anomolies, whether it is animals or what I call the "rise signature" in "the farther the sight the nearer the rain". Before HAARP I was very good at this. I remember one Christmas I told my astonished Uncle that we were going to get 6 inches of snow the next day. It was a beautiful day and he looked at me like I did not know what I was talking about, but I could read how far the trees and farms on the horizon were jumping up, so to speak. It snowed 6 inches the next day as I knew the weather tells of this region.

That has all changed with HAARP. Hell now you can hear things and see forever and nothing happens. Next time you get pounded with no signs. The skies though are not behaving as they should in there should be clouds telling of weather coming in, and there have not been clouds these past 3 super storms and I know none will appear for the 4th storm. What is taking place is HAARP is generating for this SNOWVALANCE and FLOODVALANCHE that is the logical conclusion of what the German lezbos are engaged in, in this American holocaust, is on location storms. For us they load us with a moisture jet, slam us with Canadian stratus air  and the rest is this instant toxic chem snow which misbehaves badly.

That is a new feature in HAARP. They can generate storms which will not announce they are coming. Oh the weather AI sites will tell you two weeks out that a massive storm is generating......yes two weeks out, have the snow totals and the wind gusts all down, just like the profiteers knew the kill numbers in Vietnam before the war began, but nature is not showing any signs of storms as God built nature for people to read the signs to warn them.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

