Friday, March 3, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For my own purposes which I will not divulge, I was researching the Lake of Fire which is Gehenna, the garbage dump in the Valley of Hinnon outside of Jerusalem which Jesus used as an example for a perpetual fire......a lake of fire and brimstone sulfur.

This is the Second Death. The first death is of the body, the second is the consuming of the body and the soul, to the torment of the evil or dark spirits, namely the demons. All are cast there along with hell and death at the Final Judgement.

I will not diverge in this to Egyptian lore, but the Egyptian conjurers recorded something of this Lake of Fire, and my first confirming clue of what it is, appears there, with the strange statement that this Lake can both refresh and consume, depending on the person.

Just remember you are receiving a PHD in education here, which most of you ingrates are taking on the cheap or stealing, and what the subject covered here is, is where you will be cast.

The lake of fire is a concept that appears in both ancient Egyptian and Christian religion. In ancient Egypt it appears as an obstacle on the journey through the underworld which can destroy or refresh the deceased.

Fiery rivers and lakes in the underworld are mentioned in works such as the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead. Around their edges sit flaming braziers or baboons. Ra would pass through this lake on his journey through the Duat, renewing his boat. Chapter 126 of the Book of the Dead is associated with this vignette and the text is addressed to the "four baboons who sit in the prow of the Barque of Re." The lake was one of the dangers encountered on the journey through the Duat and had a dual nature. The baboons who guarded the pool were a force that could refresh and protect the deceased if they knew the correct recitation or destroy them if they did not. 

Re was the respresentation of the sun, light. Re overcame darkness, or chaos, because of the light. Christ is the Light of the World, with Christ is Peace, outside of that Peace is darkness, and chaos.

If you will recall there are two bodies of "water" in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John. The first is the Sea of Glass, which was in the Temple of Solomon. Think of that in other like terms, Living Water of Light. The Sea of Glass is a Body of Light in the Heaven of Life, Eternal Life.

and before the throne there was, as it were, a sea of glass like crystal; and in the center and around the throne, four living creatures full of eyes in front ...

The other body of "water" is the Lake of Fire, the second death. This is a perpetual consuming flame which sentences eternal death.

Again, two "water" bodies, one in Heaven, one in Hell.  One reflective of the Book of Life and the other holding the Book of Judgment.

Bible verses about Lake Of Fire. ... He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. ... For our God is a consuming fire.

I desire to return to the duality of this as the Egyptians spoke of, and Christ is. What you have before you are two "waters" and yet they are the same "water". If you are not versed in Scripture, recall the Prophets like Moses and the Father Jacob, both saw God, one touched God and they were not killed, because the Spirit of God was in them. Others who simply reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant were struck dead.  When a Christian is washed and regenerated by the Holy Ghost, they are Spirit. The Spirit of God is a Consuming Flame to those not Christian. To those who are God's, that Consuming Flame becomes the Comforter. Same Spirit, one brings death and one brings Life.

These two "waters" are representations of God's Spirit in Heaven and Hell.

Pay attention to the commentary of Origen, how we take in the Word and are refined by that Word, Living Water. Those never refined have chosen to be anti Christ. They are cast into Hell, Judged by their choice.

Meet you on the other side.

Early Christian Universalists, most notably Origen of Alexandria (c. 184 – c. 253), and Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335 – c. 395), understood the lake of fire as a symbolic purifying fire used to eliminate the dross from the gold, or a "refiner's crucible". Origen refers to the "lead of wickedness" that must be refined out of the gold. Origen obtained his Universalist views, known then as apocatastasis, from his mentor Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – c. 215),] who was a student of Pantaenus. Origen explained the refining metaphor in response to a philosopher named Celsus who accused Christians of representing God as a merciless tormentor armed with fire.

In the view of Origen:

Our God is a 'consuming fire' in the sense in which we have taken the word; and thus he enters in as a 'refiner's fire' to refine the rational nature, which has been filled with the lead of wickedness, and to free it from the other impure materials which adulterate the natural gold or silver, so to speak, of the soul

The Lame Cherry is stating a disclaimer now, do not take the following Catholic script as legitimate. I'm utilizing this as an illustration of Christ as Light and Spirit in Heaven, is one of absolute Peace. In Hell this same Light and Spirit becomes something of absolute torment for those who rejected Christ.

The Catholic Portuguese visionary LĂșcia Santos reported that the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of Fatima) had given her a vision of Hell as a sea of fire:

Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear

I will include something Kenneth Copeland once said about putting a post in the ground. God commanded the earth to bring forth life. You put a dead post in the ground and it devours it, because it is fulfilling God's Procalmation. That devouring in the earth, is like the devouring in Hell, Hades or Gehenna, but instead of the physical body, it is spiritual. The reason that torment for satan, demons and the spirtually dead is such a torment, is because it is perpetual in being locked in, in being the irresistible force moving to make darkness into Light. That Light overcomes the darkness or evil, and that Light is Good, it brings the complete emotional realization of how evil and warped the creature is. This is what this torment is, something which is fused and can not be changed and is constantly being  exposed to being made into Light. Think of a post rotting in worms eating it, but in Hell, that post is spiritual and it is a constant cancer eating at it in pure torment.

This information is for my purposes and I will not divulge. You have though been enlightened here again in a PHD course beyond thousands of years of PHD courses on these subjects. All the Glory and Honor is given to God as the Holy Ghost is the Source, I just type the Words on the Prophetic Keyboard

Lucifer was the Light Bearing One, not God in the True Light. Lucifer manifested iniquity in it's being. it's abode is Hell, the conclusion of eternal death in rejecting God.

It is now enough said for now.

