Friday, March 3, 2023

The Leaders of DC are now Shooting Children

Dah, I took on NATO terrorists and kicked their asses. 
I am a Russian boy who will not be sold to pedo traders at 1600 Penn Avenue.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Nazi of Ukraine which the District of Co Opters backs, along with the rest of the cartel stooges of the cartel, armed a border terror group out of Ukraine, which invaded Russia and murdered people. Their target were people who were a real threat to Kiev in a 63 year old man, and 3 school children.

The Nazi murdered the old man, and shot the boy in the chest.

The boy though was a bit more of a man than Volo Zellinskyy who ordered this operation, in the boy not only saved the two girls with him, but led the escape, with a bullet in his chest. He is a hero of Russia, which Russia is overflowing with in this propaganda disaster for Kiev.

Not much more requires being said about this in the absolute terrorism of the bombing of North Stream to now the terrorism inside Russia by Amerikan backed terrorists armed with NATO bullets.

But one thing does require stating and the Lame Cherry will state it. Thee American People do not condone shooting old men and children by arming terrorists. Those are criminal acts in crimes against humanity.

A ten-year old boy from Russia’s Bryansk Region is being hailed as a hero after he managed to save the lives of two first-graders during an attack by Ukrainian saboteurs on Thursday.  

According to local media reports, Fyodor and two girls, Zlata and Lena, were being driven to school by their neighbor, a 63-year-old man known as Uncle Lenya on the morning of March 2. On their way they encountered a group of armed men.

After realizing that the men were not Russian servicemen the driver attempted to turn the car around and flee, but the Ukrainian operatives opened fire on the vehicle, killing the driver on the spot and wounding Fyodor in the chest. 

Despite being shot, Fyodor managed to pull the girls out of the car and escape the scene. “Fedya [Fyodor] told us ‘go to the forest,’” one of the first-graders told the Moskovsky Komsomolets outlet. “I was there, in that car. I saw people in white uniforms and one in green. Fedya showed us where to go and we ran together,” she said. 

Fyodor and the girls eventually made it out of the area and were able to catch a ride to the nearby settlement of Novy Ropsk, where the boy was taken to the hospital. Doctors managed to extract a NATO-issue bullet from his chest. Doctors say Fyodor’s condition is stable and that he is expected to make a full recovery.  

Nuff Said
