Saturday, March 11, 2023

the death corridor

Retired general Petr Pavel defeated populist billionaire Andrej Babis in a runoff vote to become the new president of the Czech Republic.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the installation of NATO Wokester, Peter Pavel, it is a reality that the Bohemian seers time line is coming to fruition. Bohemia will die. Prague will be leveled as Russia will invade the European to liberate them from NATO.

Petr Pavel: Ukraine supporter and military hero who swept to the Czech presidency   euronews 

Do not consider this a "right wing", but a "cartel installment" as Obama and Biden and the Hindu of London were all Olaf Schultz installed for war with Russia. This is the face of the many of NATO who created the armed Nazi of Ukraine.

It is a certainty of 1000% now that when Russia does move to protect herself and liberate Europe, that the Three Fiends, Lithuania, Poland and the Czechs are where the center spear will thrust and bloody Germany at the Rhine in full retreat.

One would not think that a little prick nation like the Czechs would be this important, but it is. Honestly, the way Hungary has behaved, I project that Russia will just drive through that nation, as it will smash Poland and move onto the NATO front which will be Prague, as it is the historic battle front. Prague will look worse than Berlin in 1945, and it will not take that long. That is where the center of NATO will be obliterated and it's reserves will ry to hold the Rhine as the recoiling and retreating shattered units of Prague try to save themselves.

Russia will blow through the Rhine like shit through a goose and pin down what is left to this Nazi Allied Together Organ.

I post this on the 28th of January, but that will not matter, as the big war will not come by the time you read this in March. Full mobilization must be ordered by Russia. The results of the Ukrainian counter offensive will be a failure, and then a reset must take place in a gathering of forces, due to the prov-active response of the United States.

After the Admiral Gorshkov lit up the Potomac River entourage to send a message, the policy of Moscow will not be Long Ball, meaning the destruction of England. Russia has it's sights set upon the United States, and will pull the talons first and the retaliate at leisure in Europe. That is future tense, but the stage is now set and the death corridor from Kiev, to Warsaw to Prague is now set.

Goddamned fascists driving this to world war.

Nuff Said

