the state publication continued. Given how desperate that Ukrainian front lines, particularly in Bakhmut, are right now for more ammo and equipment - it would be surprising if these rows upon rows of hardware aren't in the end headed for Ukraine.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A great deal of smoke has been made by the Nazi of Ukraine over the photo of a massive amount of US armour at a Polish port. The fringe picked up on it in thinking this was going to Kiev.
One has to be careful in making conclusions even with this woke nuthouse at the Pentagon as this was a rotation of the 1st Cav out of Fort Hood Texas, in other words, this is the cream of what is left of American firepower. It deploys from Korea to Europe. It is not likely that the tin generals in charge of these brigades are going to allow their expensive toys to be handed over to Nazis in Ukraine, leaving their troopers on foot.
The Lame Cherry is not stating that the nuts could not prevail in Lloyd the wokester Austin, but this is the good stuff America has, and if the cartel pisses off the good stuff, then they might just create a real Jan6 by taking over things. It is ok to murder little Ashli Babbit, but you do not take a general's toys from him.
Thee above merchandise belongs to:
US Army's 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division
What is replacing 3rd Armored is the 2nd Armored which took over command at the beginning of February.
2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team “Black Jack,” 1st Cavalry Division
You must remember that Dictator Biden shocked the trolls of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine in telling them that there is not going to be a Kiev victory as it is not possible with the worthless butchery that Kiev has been genociding Slavs and American equipment.
The Lame Cherry agrees that it was a tactical operation to build a Maginot Wall in Ukraine to defeat Russia which was genius. It puzzled Russia in deploying policemen and conscripts to stalemate early, but in a few months, the Kremlin redeployed and became the smash and destroy army they needed and that is why Russia is now winning and Biden is backpedaling. It was worth the gambit. It simply did not succeed because those in charge WERE IN A DEFENSIVE POSITION meant to exhaust Russia. Instead they started firing off shells like they were on the offensive, and shot themselves out of the war.
This is not to say that Grubber Zellinskyy has not kept some fine units in reserve in other parts of the country, but if they move, they will be killed, and they can not form an offensive thrust into Kherson to attempt to take Crimea in their current depleted and withdrawn formation. Bakhmut being taken by Wagner Group has changed the southern front dynamic completely.
Thee above photo does look formidable. The reason the Russians were mocking it and Ukraine, is because they know this formation takes hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel just to deploy. Ukraine has nothing of this, nor supply line which are easily destroyed. This would require an air armada to defend it, which Ukraine does not have, nor will ever have in numbers it needs.
For a large mobile army, Russia has shown very good tactical use of going small, in their infantry to deal with Nazi fortifications and deal with Nazi artillery and what armour they have. Russia could in units just as America was attacked in Iraq, deal with the above on a human level as that is the art of warfare.
So I highly doubt the above armament is going to Ukraine. The 1st Cav is just there for one message and that is what the Russians are raising their vodka glasses over. There is now an understanding. Russia can have Crimea, Donbas, do whatever it likes with Molodova and Odessa, as long as it keeps burning up it's resources in war, and NATO is going to move things around, meaning America is going to be appearing to soothe the nutcases of Eastern Europe as the Germans, French, English, Swedes and Italians hide behind Uncle Wokester.
Russia has defeated the NATO plan. Russia has defeated the counter plan of NATO. The cartel will be satisfied that it has it's own Khazarian homeland like the Ashkenaz Khazarians rule out of Tel Aviv, because Kiev was their ancestral homeland. The Slavs have met their holocaust, the guild oligarchs control their fortunes in plundering Ukraine and they are looking ahead at trying their hand where the dufus Norwegians failed in overthrowing Russia from within after 10 years of squandered investment.
Russia will be flooded with a huge amount of invasive currency. That will cripple their economy and corrupt the people, and bring the assassination of Putin from within........according to the new plan.
This armour stands more of a chance in shooting Americans, that in killing more Russians.
The Lame Cherry has one conclusion from the positioning on NATO in this European and Pacific theater, the United States seeks to use Europe and the Pacific in attrition to destroy Russia and Chinese forces. The resistance and the breaking down of things will devour these armies. The United States then concludes that it will "mop up" in a retreating operation across the Pacific for China and Europe for Russia, where revolutions will break out in their homelands, and the American hedgefund will retake hegemony, without suffering horrendous losses.....except the extermination of Christian Caucasians which is the domestic purpose of the other phases of this operation.
Nuff Said