Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Fiction of a Ukraine Summer Offensive


How did that Nazi sniper get inside my pot plant?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is not in any way an assessment for the assistance of the Nazi of Ukraine. It is what the Lame Cherry does in being faced with an impossible situation, seeks to find a suitable solution in an impossible situation.

This is the fiction which the Nazi's adhere to.

According to Wall Street Journal, some of the best-prepared Ukrainian units have been routed during fighting in the vicinity of Artyomovsk in recent months. There is a concern in the military that the losses would undermine the effort to mount a counteroffensive in the spring and summer.

“Here, we are using up too much of the offensive potential that we’ll need for a breakthrough once Ukraine’s black earth dries up,” a battalion commander told the US outlet.

Everyone with any sense and that includes Dictator Biden has told the morons without sense in the Baltic, Ukraine and Polish states that there is not going to be any victory in Ukraine for the Kiev Nazi.

The Russians have adapted to the type of warfare necessary to blow out NATO fixed positions, backed by American high technology. The Russians went surgical technology, massive artillery fire and small scale squads in successful search and destroy missions on an entire front scale. Wagner Group has done superb work as a mercenary force. The Russians have coordination. Ukraine has eroded to the point of conscript fodder without adequate affordable heavy arms support.

The reality in this is, is that Ukraine does not have the tanks for an offensive. It does not have the aircraft for cover. It does not have the artillery munitions. It has not enough trained troops, and those it does have in forced conscription are not viable past a few hours on the front, in they are dead.

This blog stated a year ago that with an effective trained group of Scout Snipers, that Russia could have been made to bleed effectively that they would have had to have bled a great deal more and not reached success in the Salt Mines nor Bakhmut.

The following is a logical assessment of what Kiev could do, but it would burn up what was left of it's military, but it would humiliate and cause a great deal of problems for Russia.

When your enemy is big, and you have few assets, one must go small. For Ukraine, they must go small to the individual soldiers. As the objective would be Crimea, the correct tactical plan would be to train 50,000 troops in urban embedded warfare. In essence, I would find a way to drive or fly in this number of soldiers into Crimea as civilians. Secure a food supply source which would be brought in, and I would land in secluded locations munitions which would be close to what Russia is arming their squads with. Namely AK47 or 72 rifles. RPG's and thermobarics, with a good salting of demolitions designed for tanks, ships, ammo dumps, public works and enough manpads to blow Russian air support to the ground.

This would be a suicide group, who would embed in the communities, so Russia could not use it's heavy weapons as Russia likes protecting civilians. It would be a dirty house to house fight, which would expend 50,000 Russian lives.
This would be repeated throughout Donbas and by numbers overcome the Russian ability with it's current forces to cope. Once that shock was raised, and Gaytube raised the Kiev flag over Russian annexed cities again, then a thrust with armoured transport with SAM missile cover would link up the retaken cities.

None of these forces would ever go near Russian artillery positions. That would end this in days. The point would be to hit the Russians where they are not, and to hit the Russians using the cover of the Russian citizens.

Success in this would delay Russian operations in their conquest to autumn.

In the meantime, Ukraine's main group would enter Moldova as another thing for Moscow to juggle. I doubt Russia would panic with a northern invasion, but if they did, moving tanks would be viable targets for Javelin missiles again.

The entire point of this strategy is surprise, to get embedded, and when Russia reacts with air support to swat it out of the sky, gain enough attrition from that, and your ground forces can move again in maneuver and open gaps in the big Russian lines to exploit.

This operation would appear like a grand offensive, but it would be allot of small scale intrusions, holding ground, moving, making Russia bleed as Russia moved. It is the most viable option for Kiev in slaughtering Slavs as fodder. This would at least produce an effect for the holocaust of the Slavs now being squandered in these fixed positions being blasted by Russia.

In any scenario, allot of Slavs will face genocide under orders from Kiev. This is the best solution to die with glory fighting, instead of baked in a personnel carrier.

Nuff Said
