Do you think you can still save me?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We are all reading the heart rending realities of rich people having gut checks over the Silicon Valley Bank foreclosure. The Lame Cherry has some pertinent comments on this, and they start with none of my donors were wiped out.
Just remember that in none of my donors were wiped out.
Now on to poor little Ashley Turner. Meet you on the other side.
But for now, many of them are facing a complete and total nightmare.
For example, one tech CEO named Ashley Turner is freaking out because she had “at least $10m deposited with SVB”…
Ashley Tyrner, CEO of Boston wellness firm FarmboxRx, said she had at least $10m deposited with SVB and has been frantically calling her banker. She said it had been ‘the worst 18 hours of my life.’
10 million dollar life of luxury, and it is now all down to pennies. Poor little Ashley is poorer than me now. Did I not Prophesy and tell you children and brats that these events were coming and that the cartel was going to take all the money? Did the Lame Cherry not tell you that your money was not going to save you? Yes the popular girl did, and most of you left me for dead.......guess whose time in coming in payback from God?
None of my children have been harmed. It would be intelligent for the European prisses hiding out like all the rest of the wealthy people to make up for lost donations. You might come under my wings, but then those European lezobs of HAARP are making live murderous and difficult for me as a distraction now, so who knows as I said before about, "You will beg me for help and will not be able to get through".
Here is the reality of bank and corporate foreclosures.
Poor little Ashley Turner was not warned by homosexual Peter Thiel and the Ashkenaz financiers to get out. She is now in the settlement phase which the Fed has already stated is taking place as the Fed is selling assets to the insiders for cheap rates to profit them like Goldman did to Lehman under Bush in the 2008 installment of Obama.
I have an example. TL's genius daddy, who was so stupid that he flunked out of Duke and had to get an arts degree from a shithole college and kept trying to tell people he had a bach of science degree. Well idiot had a mommy who played the stocks, and when he got hold of some of her shit, he invested in coal stocks as TL's future. I have watched with amusement as those coal stocks, went bankrupt starting under Obama. I think they were trading at 3 cents a share from there whatever 50 bucks a share when bought. They are worthless. Money pissed down the drain.
Now in Silicon, Ashley had 10 millions dollars. Only 250,000 is insured as this blog first educated all of you. The Fed stepped in, but Ashley is not going to get her 10 million. She will be offered a portion of the assets which are being sold off. The Fed stated this from the beginning, in this is how things would be dealt with. So like TL there is a devalued price on the investment or deposit. There is not enough money in the Fed to cover these billions as this spreads out. So Ashley will get 250,000 dollars plus change. That is more money than I have, but if Ashley had like all of you non donors, been donating to this poor orphan girl who warned you of the consequences......she would have her 10 million and not be worrying about her little green god disappearing.
I told you from the start how this scheme would evolve. The insiders will get the assets at a cheap price like in 2008 and these Ashley types will find out how being poor is, because you know Ashley and 250,000 dollars is nothing in her big expenses she has to deal with, as she is living the life of luxury as others like me were poor.
It is apparent that the regulators and the Fed were not in on this again. They did not move to quell this for a few days. The regulators that started selling things though were in on it as they moved in immediately. This is a hostile takeover and it looks like the cartel does not want any tech advancement as competitors in humanity for the next decade. We are looking at a technological engineered dark ages where the demon tech will only be sourced to the traditional outlets, and all of these other techs will be absorbed.
Again, none of my donors were harmed. Prophecy fulfilled. Poor little geeks and rich turds trusting in the wrong things and now poor little geeks and poor turds.
You did not donate, now pilgrim, you are not going to be able to get at "your money" to save yourselves.
I'm having really shitty day, will have a shitty HAARP week. You do not care. Now you will experience how the real world is in no one giving a damn about you non donors.
Nuff Said