Monday, March 13, 2023

Why are Ukraine Nazi's Failures and Adolf Hitler a Success?


May 1, 2022 ... The Russian Foreign Minister Accused the U.S. and Canada of Training 'neo-Nazis' Now in the Ranks of the Ukrainian Military.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has not given this a great deal of thought until now, but you know Adolf Hitler took a nation in worse shape than Ukraine and turned it into a global powerhouse, in the same time that this Victoria Nuland overthrew Ukraine for John the hero McCain's Nazi in Kiev.

Adolf Hitler though was a leader with a programme and understanding of the necessity of investment in Germany, the use of forced labor and of course building things, instead of sending billions in bribes to crooks in the west like the Bidens.

I was looking through marked passages of William Shirer's apology for the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and in the chapter The Road to Munich, which was Czechoslovakia in the route, there was an inner discussion in the leadership in how to deal with the Czechs. Der Fuehrer immediately rejected an out of the blue attack as a hostile world opinion might lead to a critical military situation.

Der Fuerher also judged that a diplomatic discourse over time and then attacking the Czechs would also not be stategic as by that time the Czechs would have become wary and would in turn be on the alert and have their military ready for an attack. Not that Germany could not have crushed this, but it would have made the situation much more costly to Germany and Hitler always measured the cost to his military.

The strategy which was arrived at, is replayed time and again in the false flag. What Hitler decided upon would be a "Czech terror incident against Germans living in that nation, after they were carved out of Germany after the betrayal of World War I.

In perfect planning, der Fuehrer knew that once the incident was known, and the propaganda spin unleashed, that the military had to be ready to move before the Czech's could react, and then, Hitler knew that the first 4 days were decisive. Either you achieved your objective or you lost it, or worse a long costly campaign which would expand would follow.

The reality is though, Hitler was not bluffing and yet the Czechs came to the point that they were forced to return the Sudetenland which had been confiscated by the allies. What would follow was the complete occupation of the Czech lands, but in this crisis, Hitler moved forces against him, to work for him in London.

In reading the above, none of that has ever been a reality in Kiev, Ukraine. German PM Angela Merkel and the West deceived Vladimir Putin at Minks, built a NATO force in Ukraine and the Russian beat them.

The Ukrainian Nazi did not measure up to the German Nazi. Hitler never relied on any of his allies in Germany or Italy, they were a hindrance.There were not billion dollar ammo dumps and aid to Berlin like Kiev. No Germany made it's own air force, equipped it's own army and built it's own U Boats. Ukraine did nothing of this and in this, is the reality of what a disaster Ukraine is for NATO. There never was anything in these Slavic Nazi which was a hint of the German Nazi.

Kiev is a money laundering scheme and a way to overthrow Russia for it's gold. Berlin was a self generating power and when Hitler moved on an issue, he attacked Russia before the Soviets could attack him. In that Vladimir Putin was a historical student as he attacked NATO in Syria and then Ukraine, before they could attack him.

Ukraine really has no real Nazis, much to their defeat. Ukraine is more just fascism, like Italy had fascists in they caused a great deal of trouble, but never amounted to anything.

Hitler and Zellinskyy were both Ashkenazim, but that is all they have in common as they are as different as night and day, or a leader and a skulking thug, as both have enacted the same policies really.

This support of the Nazi Lite of Ukraine has been a disaster for Germany, Europe and the United States. It was profane and the perfect example of Military Welfare.  Propping up worthless tyrants started out alright of America in Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba and Iran, but since the 1960's, there have been horrid failures in Lebanon, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Vietnam and the list continues on in great military arms dealer profits and Americans going bankrupt and dying.

The tragedy is, if Kiev was governed by an Adolf Hitler, the United States would have had the Slavs conquer Moscow, Tehran and Peking and made a huge profit for the People. That is what Adolf Hitler would have accomplished with American backing. As it stands, all America has is this grubby midget who loses at everything he touches.

Nuff Said
