Mine's bigger than your's......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is too bad that evolution did not make Michelle Obama's brain as large as his/her ass.
Michelle Obama says ‘it was no accident that the Obama administration was scandal-free’ – twitchy.com ∞ twitchy
The Framing of homosexual Obama sex partner, Lawrence Sinclair, to silence him and make him a political prisoner, so Biden would be rewarded with the Vice Presidency.
The Framing of Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Warning Rahm Emanuel to back off from threatening Blagojevich as the FBI was listening.
Murdering Americans by drones.
Leaving the Gulf Gusher pollute Republican states.
Wilding rivers in the American interior and destroying those states because they were Republicans.
Benghazi weapons to terrorist that got homo Chris Stevens and others murdered.
The creation, arming and training of ISIS.
IRS targeting Tea Party Americans
Eric Holder spied on AP reporters
Obamacare rationed death
NSA spying on Americans
Fast and Furious
Covering up the California wildfires set by Mexican proxy terrorists
Boston bombing cover up in trying to frame North Korea
Unleashing green terrorism to stop oil pipelines
Funding BLM terrorism to intimidate Whites
Looting the stimulus to pay off the Mideast fraud that donated 300 million dollars to Obama's campaign
Two stolen Presidential elections where Republican votes disappeared and flipped for Obama.
Hillary Clinton's closet server to make illegal communications.
Iran nuclear blames.
Veterans Administration death list
Solyndra, bribery scandal.
The foundation of Russiagate
June 13th, 2013 AD deal where Joe Biden became acting president due to a Michelle Obama understanding.
Michelle Obama got away with all of that because Eric Holder was Attorney General and covered it all up, like when he burned children alive at Waco.
Nuff Said