Unrealized Loss.......you know I get everything you thought you have.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The scam of this banking failure is all grounded in the odd term UNREALIZED LOSSES", that can be summed up like this.
OK, you have your house and you have payments on that. You though go out and buy a pickup to make your penis look larger. You pay the 50,000 dollars for it. You get in, start her up, and drive her off the lot...........and immediately it is a used vehicle that on trade in, the dealership will only pay you 40,000 dollars for.
That happens all the time. Yet in this case, a financial guy like Peter Thiel hears about your not knowing you just lost 10,000 dollars, and he tells your bank, "Hey money lenders that person just spent 50,000 dollars, lost 10,000 dollars on it, and has house payments. That is a bad risk and you better divest yourself of that person as they are at risk".
In the end, your bank forecloses on you. The feds come in and seize all your books, and next thing you know, your house is being auctioned off to Mexicans and they buy it for 1 dollar. You thought you were solvent, but these unrealized losses just bankrupted you.
Do you get this scam now in how it was set up? These banks were borrowing money and lending money. Suddenly the price of houses declined and the Fed bumped interest rates so they had unrealized losses in having to pay more for money. The banks restructured for that debt in selling off some things, and immediately the homo hedgefunders spread the word, and the banks collapsed as this was all designed to raid what these banks had globally.
It is the same thing as that derivatives bullshit. That was regulated, so they made up something knew in unrelaized losses and this is how they will implement their next phase of crypto coin and the central super bank.
The ticking time bomb is due to U.S. banks buying Treasuries and bonds while interest rates were low, but, with interest rates now rising, finding these bonds have declined in value.
The FACT is that the bonds are still worth full value. They are earning interest. They will mature. NOTHING has been lost. This is dishonest in what is being reported and is confusing most people and I can not believe no one is exposing this fraud.
- Lame Cherry
If this is how economics worked, then you might as well junk your new car for driving it off the lot and bulldoze your house when markets fluctuate. This is bullshit and it boggles my mind that no one is calling this for the scam it is.
The end result is the same, you get robbed, those in power mass more control over finance in this next to last phase, and the same confusing details are printed in before, "idiots were trading massive debt by speculation" which no one would do, and now it is, "Oh we don't owe anything, but suddenly we have this new debt from market maneuvers that no one ever paid attention to before, but now is a big economic threat".
I would upgrade the probability that this is going to be a big manufactured problem as in Obama 2008 AD in the year of our Lord as the British stooges are making cover for this. They just bought Silicon's London branch for 1 pound. I would have liked to have offered 5 pounds and picked up a billion dollar bank for that price. It is all a scam.
America's $620 billion ticking time bomb: FDIC reveals the extraordinary amount of 'unrealized losses' across U.S. banks amid fears more will collapse after the sudden failure of SVB and Signature
- Gruenberg revealed $620 billion in 'unrealized losses' at US banks and financial institutions - when an asset's value has decreased, but it has not yet been sold
None of this preliminary should affect any of us, no more than Obama 2008 affected any normal people in that looting expedition on Jewish financial houses. When they force digital and the economics draw Russia and China out to battle in the next year to two years, as they did say 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, you should get an idea of the timetable on this.
Nuff Said