Friday, March 3, 2023

What God Teaches Me About Surviving The Great Tribulation

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm in the process of absorbing a reality from God in I believed I was disciplined and prepared for the End Times or the Great Tribulation which was coming. I learned that after all of these years of work, that I have only entered into Spiritual Shining which is required. Considering the advancement that I have on you children and brats by God's Grace, I wonder at what you are.

I will share though the learning in the horrid and breaking things I have been put through and you put me through, as perhaps the information might somehow help you.

I have learned that I can believe, speak and profess that I need God in all things. This year I had enough money for cattle feed and enough cattle feed. What I was taught is, that even with you having enough money, that is not going to solve what you need. I learned that even if you have all the prep supplies in the world, it is not ever going to work out. I knew and confessed that unless the Lord builds the house it will not stand. As I said I believed this with all of me. What God accomplished was HE MADE ME FEEL IT so I will never forget it and there is a terror in me that I will not ever forget.

Unless you have been put through the fire of misery and abuse for not one episode but months or years, you are not going to feel it, as it breaks you, tears you up, rips you apart inside, forever changes your Spiritual makeup. I was taught I had to feel, and I have been shattered numerous times in my life and am a gaping wound. Lesson is learned.

I learned that in prepping, that people I have known all my life, became tools of satan. They abandoned me, betrayed me and infuriated me, as nothing in this world grits more than being helpless, having to beg people for things and donations, and then being cast aside with no way out on the Red Sea.

I learned that God in His miracles taught me the pew sitter catholics and holier than though liberals, were exchanged in our weeks of desperation with Good Samaritans. People with children in prison, people who have been in prison, people who have severe addictions and only because of money, would be in prison for life now.

I learned the impossible way, with death littering the way, depression, and satan with demons doing more to afflict me.

I was taught that God is not going to deliver you FROM evil in what is coming, as the entire world is evil, and what He will do, is deliver you THROUGH evil.

There is hope in this for each of you, even as unprepared as you are in your preparations, because the Lame Cherry is shattered proof of Christ carrying me. I do not ever remember in this life ever having periods of peace or being at rest. It has been nothing but horrid abuse. I worked extremely hard to discipline myself to be as God directed, and this lead up, I have no idea if it is finishing or just another process to making these wound ooze more as they go deeper. By God's Grace He keeps me, I knew that, but I feel it now even deeper due to all of this longsuffering, abuse and torture.

I would hope that you are the strong ones, and perhaps I'm just a weak thing that required extra abuse. I do not know. I doubt that. My mother was a cold woman, a sociopath like my dad. She was the strongest of people, I watched her tread this life with horrific suffering and she clung to the Bible and God. I still have her Living Bible, in which she wrote in and noted and analyzed every verse in study when my sister was murdered. Little of it stuck and in her end she turned into the worst kind  of betrayal and evil. I have felt the abuse as TL has in evil taking over people. who choose it and let themselves be possessed by it. I relate that to make you aware that you may think you are secure and God will handle things, but from what I have experienced and ripped apart and thrashed to,  FEEL IT, again in a new way, you should be very careful in Christ, as the Great Tribulation is for all. No one gets raptured out. No one gets a pass. Jeremiah was thrown to his death in prison. Ezekiel was abused. Job was shredded. These are the children of God who outshine all. They did not get a pass. They were made to feel it even though they believed it with all of their hearts.

I hope I have time to recover, but God has never given me rest nor recovery. I thought I could do more before this internet course took form, and I have not stopped working since or will I quit as Christ carries me.

What I have informed God in what I think I need, is what I needed as a child. I needed to be warm. I found that warmth in front of an electric space heater. I would lay in front like a dog and sleep. The fan would drown out sounds and I would pray to God. I know that saying "that is all I want" does not sound like much, but it requires money, a room that is dark, something to lay on and covers. That is how I need to recover, but that does not happen as there are no resources. I pretend as times when I'm not singing songs of offerings to God, which is most of the time, about the fiction of that need manifesting.

I have to go out in the cold now and check things, as that is all there is. I hope when your times come to feel that God is there for you and you have not abandoned Him.

So much sorrow in so few words, but it is the reality that all the children must feel.

Christ crucified and Risen by Him again.

Nuff Said

