Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Difference Between Donald Trump and Me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Upon reading of the divorce of Kellyanne Conway from her husband, I was saddened as nothing is 
happy about a situation that leads up to this nor the divorce in how it affects everyone.

I was raised in a dysfunctional house with two sociopaths.  They were the Karl Marx Jewish manifesto
in the mother used the Bible to suffer under and the dad used the Bible to inflict with. It took a great 
deal of effort and time to struggle and grow through that kind of damage. I have always said it is a miracle of God that any children in this world survive and turn out normal.

I can not speak for George Conway. It was frustrating to watch him act out in such a disrespectful way to his accomplished wife. Near as I can remember he had wanted a job with Trump, was turned down, and then went venomous against Trump. His lack of respect for his wife and the hard job she had with Donald Trump and the pressure that must have put on the children in having to choose sides or be the parent arbitrating. 

Donald Trump was instead focused on his butt hurts again. No compassion, for the woman, not a mention of the children, just Donald Trump piling on the man who kept up his barrage of cheap shots on Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway, who ran the 2016 campaign of former President Donald Trump, is getting a divorce from her husband, George Conway, who was part of the campaign to keep Trump out of the White House in 2020.

The two have been married for 22 years and have four children, according to Page Six.

“Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway. Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves…and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!”

It seems that George Conway found his true love in the 140 characters on Twitter. The glow of celebrity is what appealed to him I have always said that everyone should have the chance to be a celebrity like myself as it is an experience. For me it is not appealing, so I'm not addicted to it. I focus on helping others when I can and trying to be a good example with those I contact with. The rough and tumble of the blog is not who I interact with others. TL says I am far and away too polite. I smiled today as a home schooled boy who works in Subway we were talking to, blurted out "Sorry" the way I do, as he is the same type of polite person.

Hopefully numbers of you have read what I posted on learning from God today. I have learned that numbers will learn from the life lesson and be helped, but there is always an element which will swill in it, and their reaction will be, "That Lame Cherry is not as Christian as I am". I wrote my cousin about this to share with her, she is a most accomplished lady, and as I was telling TL, she would read those things and appreciate them. If I had shared that with my other fat ass cousins or holier than thou sisters, they would have smugly condemned me as not measuring up as being Christian as they were. This is from women hangs around with queers, one thinks the term Communion of Saints means that the dead are at communion, one thinks she can order people to forgive her because she condescended in forgiving them for all they did to her.

As Jesus said, the children of this world can justify anything they believe.

I would that George Conway had Christ centered in his life. A marriage with children is responsibility. You be an adult and rise to it, even if it is an act, because that is your responsibility to not ruining the lives of others.

Mrs.Conway is not free to live her life. She has a divorce. She has four children she is going to raise until the day she dies. She got rid of nothing. She still has that troubled ex husband to deal with as they have 4 children and there are birthdays, holidays, graduations, weddings and problems that will have to be experienced together.

Donald Trump showed the kind of lack of character he has. Taking a cheap shot is more important at a nobody than reaching out in private and asking if there was anything he could do for the children or this now divorced woman, as he played a part in this.

If Donald Trump was intelligent, he could have found a way to deal with George Conway. He could have gotten George Conway hired by the White House, where it would have validated him, but been Frank Roosevelt devious enough like with Joe Kennedy, to leave a trap set that if George Conway kept acting out, the things he was responsible for would meltdown and make him a pariah to the leftist media. George Conway could have succeeded or failed by the rope of his own making.

In the end, I do not see much difference between Donald Trump and George Conway as their love for hating each other is the thing that survives.

Nuff Said
