Sunday, March 5, 2023

You are a Good People


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is cuddle time for us.

I have received in the past weeks some very nice notes from people, and you know who you are, and I appreciate them, but I will apologize as I probably am running out of internet bandwidth now as the alert just went off, that I have been pushed past even my over the limit efforts. It has been extremely difficult here and deadly. I think in the past few days we have walked over 25 miles in this winter terrorism in just trying to get things done. We walked cattle home in which our old bull died, thanks to demon tool neighbors who would not help (Yes White Throne Judgment in "You saw me and did not help and they replied, When did we see you Jesus?"), to which our few cattle are now held in by snow fences of sort and panels, as I learned the first night that they walked over the regular fences because the drifts are so hard they will support a 1200 pound cow.

Things seem sorted out now. We have been putting the finishing touches on things in preparing for a winter storm or storms. As you read on the Sabbath, the things that God has been realigning me as I have been under all of this stress so I learn the lesson, that just confessing God comes first, is not the same as having me shredded emotionally and feeling it all. I told my cousin, it is like talking about being pregnant all I want, but until a man or woman gets pregnant, it is all talk. I have experienced the reality of putting God first in knowing I need Him, as all the prepping does not matter without God. That includes people who have money or power. Without God you are going to find out in a disaster that things are really not going to work out in trying to buy your way out.

So thank you for the kinds words and thoughts. I share one from today.


Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge 

I have a deep  respect and love for the good of you in your understanding, kindness, patience and how in this horrid world, you are polite and respectful. As you are this way to me, you are this way to God. God is most pleased with people whose hearts are able to praise God with this kind of communion.

I'm sighing here, as I'm getting oxygen as I said I'm really fatigued. We have scooped more snow by hand, walked more miles in this chem snow, coughed and spit up that poison, than I thought I ever would. God delivers us through things, but I still get worried like Peter out of the boat as that is who we all are really. God turning the Kingdom over to the people who are willing and never get it done, except Jesus hauling us out of the storming waves. None of us are here without Christ carrying us.

I have a real circus in the yard though with cattle milling around the house, direct feeding off the bale pile, JYG's panels across the driveway, the pets getting sorted out from the bovines and the girls of Daisy and Belle in the lot for extra special care. People are mirror images of animals. When we brought the cows home, they were looking everywhere for food in the white sheet of ice, were turning the wrong way in corners on the road, trying to get up to other people's yards, but when they spotted where we live, they knew they were home and they wanted to be in that feed lot to busting through drifts and going over fences. It worked out as that is how I water the main group now in they made their own path.
Darby the horse has been just a cuss word. She broke through the second day as thought she was alone. She was pissing around in the deep snow trying to find water, which wore me out some more, as I have about a half hour of steam in my engines inside, and after that I'm back to my right bicep fluttering and feeling tired in need of sleep, but sleep does not appear as I am too tired. It is all sorting out by God though in things are settling down. Has been since Christmas this HAARP terror storms and has been even worse the past 3 weeks of every day some monumental thing. The roads are half assed cleaned out, and I do not know if they will be after this week. I do know what I predicted on the roads will come true as HAARP dumped lots of rain on us before it froze. When the sun is thawing the roads now they are turning into mud, which is going to be worse because they are not clearing the ice off the roads. Nothing that 80 degrees of dry weather would not cure, but HAARP does not desire anything easy now, nor does God in His sorting things out.

I have decided that I am ready to be done with March after only 5 days into it.

God is Good though in the new understanding He trained into me. He points things out in solutions to me and I appreciate that as I did before, but in this, it is the major things I believe I really need. At the moment it would a 4 x 4 pickup, but at 50,000 that is like a no go as it is for most people, as I notice lots of "new purchases" around here with old vehicles off the dealer's lots. I'm looking for older things, without computers, like a tractor with cab in the 150 horsepower range. 
My neighbor had his tractor crashed into by an idiot, think that Case cost 150,000 new. Knocked the front end off and has been in the shop since November and that thing is still not running right. I do not ever want a 150,000 dollar tractor. That is not logical nor prudent even if I ha the money. I look for things that I can fix and will start.

I have an update that I do not know what to make of this. If you remember, last Christmas, a neighbor by Grandpas had assured us he would feed the cattle over there. 3rd time I asked, he chewed my ass and humiliated me. Told me to sell the cattle and "How could I have cattle without a tractor". He did apologize but that was demon tool surprise which I got allot of. Nothing is more trying than having to beg people for help and then their treating you like shit.

So as the new drama was unfolding due to another neighbor breaking their word, you have to understand Brier Patch people, they are like Indians in they notice anything out of place. We do this automatically and TL is picking up on some of it now, but I catalogue things like tire tracks coming out of driveways, times people do chores. I notice things and store the data away without even being aware of it most times until I notice a change. Patterns mean everything so when patterns change, it means something is different. That is obvious, like the guy who chewed my ass.  I started noticing over a week ago that he was doing chores a different time when we checked Grandpas. I noticed in the storms of blocked roads that he was not looking around when we drove by and waving like before in noticing things. Then the wrong pick up was up there, doing chores. We were gone then after the moving of cattle home on Tuesday, but the yard was not cleaned out, and no tracks going in and out of the driveway. No tractor tracks on the road as he is always going on the road to feed the cattle, instead of the feed lot.

I figured if he was back this weekend, it was just something that came up. I asked a neighbor what was up and he said the guy never goes anywhere. Yes on outings the wife takes him to, but not for this long as he has cattle and they were starting to calve.

He had family members vaxed who got vax cancer and in that they actually moved to the metro for treatment as this winter out here with HAARP makes travel impossible, when you are sick with chemo. I'm thinking if they do not reappear that he or the wife has some kind of major vax disease. It is as I said in God realigning my thoughts, "Guy is wealthy, has nice equipment, no worries, got it all down, and he can be a bastard and humiliate me.........he would not feed my cattle, and now he can't feed his and someone else is having to do it. See what I mean about thinking if you are rich or you got things prepped that it still does not work out?"

The neighbor I mentioned this to, do not really like this guy. But he wondered why he did not get a friend of his to do the chores. Maybe because what happened is something he did not want spread around and it was so sudden he had to get things lined up right away, like cancer treatments.

It will all become known, but the person being mean to me, putting us jeopardy, being arrogant, even though he apologized to both of us, and I let it drop as that is what good neighbor do, is not so secure, which is what I keep harping at each of you. I do not want you to go through the kind of realignment I go through as you probably could not survive it. You are here to behave, treat people respectfully and put God first. Things are just starting so learn the lesson in words, so you do not have to learn by feeling the pain.

Part of me delights in this person, and there are going to be every person who has been screwing me over on this blog and realsville, coming to terms, but it is delight in they did not get away with it. Talk is cheap, meaning that anyone can say they are sorry, but what is the price on their head to make things right? That they will hang onto the last 30 shekels and die before investing in an offering as Job's friends were ordered to, to turn away God's wrath. I know I would much prefer this entertainment if it was 80 degrees, the cattle were back in pasture, and I had a beer to sit and contemplate the mystery of God in the warm sun.

I need to go and try and rest, after a few more necessities that need doing, but know I do appreciate the Good of you, and I appreciate God has provided a reading space for you that you can learn from and enjoy. I'm in a mode of having let go the worthless power of politics in this corrupt world and being liberated from that and the other dog and pony misdirections, focusing on Christ and God, Who will carry all of us through to His coming. I'm still too vulnerable, still needing finances, but God has provided me direction and that is a bridge to build to. I submit and will go where He leads as the power hyenas and vultures can bite at each other, but I have more important things in gardening and being Gardened by God, like all of the Good of you.

God bless you richly and securely in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

