Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Anglo Ashkenaz


I say my lord, those lezbo children of yours just turned my Ohio
toxic. Why did they do that as America was to be a safari park

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whatever the reason that chemical weapons were in Ohio, destined to Ukraine, is no longer a factor in examining what took place,for thee exact reason, the rules have been changed.

Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine
Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck - Pt 1

Chemical Weapons In Ohio Train Wreck
For Genocide By Drones In Ukraine - Pt 2

Something inside of me is whispering, like Ukraine which has dumbfounded the woke Obamite and Bidencon in nothing is going as they were told, is a reality that this massive Vanguard conglomerate control which is a cancer upon humanity as a cartel on steroids, is directing all of this.

It simply happened to fast, too coordinated, for an Ohio Governor to order a burn off instead of a clean up of chemical weapons. There was not one second of hesitation. The cover up was from DC and it was all inclusive, from the biggest green zombie in the world.

What is whispering in me is this was a set up, like Eric Holder trying to set up North Korean in the Boston Blow Job. Like that North Stream terrorism, orders came down and someone is leaking all that information back to collapse thee American system as the FBI is under orders to hunt down Americans in intimidating them.

What was the set up? The order of operations was decided to ship out box cars full of chemical radioactive toxic waste from DOW chemical in Illinois, for Ukraine, where Russia would blow up the "fuel shipment" and pollute Ukraine and be blamed as Ohio is polluted.

I no longer believe there was any intention to frame Russia in those who instigated this. The answer lays in HAARP. We were lied to in Europe was to have a severe winter which would block Putin in Ukraine. It never happened. Instead the United States, which is now experiencing pocket storms in California and New York, was deluged again with weather terrorism.
As this blog reported exclusively, this is coming out of Europe, Germany, is lezbo an they are guild members.

As this blog predicted, huge storms would wash over Ohio and contaminate ground water, as the run off swept downstream, which it is presently doing.

Shawnee State Forest houses Shawnee State Park in Ohio. You can see on the map how far away these chemical weapons have progressed in quantity in a few weeks, that it is lethal to anything it comes into contact with.

Animals In OH Parks Dying 'At Alarming Rates’ After
Dioxin Train Catastrophe - Exact Chemicals Released
In E. Palestine Show In Levels Off The Charts In The
Livers Of Mink, Deer, Elk, Worms

Dioxins do not break down. They are even more deadly and viable than nerve gas.

Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) are a group of chemical compounds that are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment.

The tale of the tape are the numbers of animals that are showing up dead in Ohio. This is in the water and air. It is contaminating the filtering system in the body, before the creature expires. Dioxins are the disaster of Agent Orange in Vietnam. What is not going to die, is going to get sick and remain unhealthy. This is a Chernobyl sector now in America. How ironic both places are Ukraine associated.

Sep 3, 2020 ... For example: The lethal dose of lead (or LD50) for humans is 450 mg/kg of ... of wood alone produces as much as 160 micrograms of dioxins.


Creature are dead. People are sick. This is going to be a massive lawsuit which will bankrupt this segment of the railroad, federal and state regimes of Ohio. Never has so much been done by so many to create a poison zone in the United States.

 "A source told The Ohio Star that her husband, a wildlife biologist and consultant for the federal forestry, received hundreds of calls on both Sunday and Monday from colleagues who say forestry workers have found hundreds of dead animals in Ohio’s parks.

The report said she confirmed labs have been given specimens of minks, deer, elk, worms and livers of such animals and they are finding toxicities that are off the charts.

"These highly toxic levels are the exact chemicals that were released from East Palestine. Wayne National Forest and Shawnee State Forest in Ohio, are downriver from East Palestine and are two parks where samples are from.

When the Lame Cherry above stated that the rules changed, that is a chilling assessment. This goes back to HAARP, not in spreading pollution, but as a weapon to destroy the civilization of these United States. HAARP was suppose to be the American tool, and it has been for years turned against Americans. That does not make sense, until the reality is assessed that the rules have changed.

So Jeff Rense was told by an insider in the cartel, that they had pulled the plug and America was going down, which it is. That is not a surprise as this has always been the colonial agenda being enacted. Return though to the Rhodes Round Table of the English, the Anglos, as Al Gore spoke of this back in the 1990's to thee American FFA.

Gore told farm kids to look for new careers as America was going to import all of it's food from South America as America could not compete with soil that was 6 feet deep.

What was going to be done with America? Americans were going to be progressively herded into cities. No one would eventually be allowed to inhabit places outsie the cities. There is a massive funding to build apartments to house people, as land and home ownership will be wiped out as no one can pay the taxes.

That is what the working print we have heard, but there appeared a DC funded Wuhan Flu and a vax from conglomerates which is killing people, from now to the next 5 years. Yes we knew of depopulation agendas, but then add HAARP. It is not just being used against Americans, it is working for Vladimir Putin's advances in Ukraine. That is engineered and ordered.

Food processing facilities are being destroyed by their own conglomerates. There appears these cancer meats which will end agriculture in the world, as people are herded inside metros. Now though remember the Rhodes plan, Americans herded into cities, so the elite could turn America into their own wildlife park to piss behind the bushes in.

Do you want to go lay on the ground in Shawnee Park in Ohio with all these dead animals? Do you understand now that the rules have changed? America is no longer to be a park for the elites. The elites are not going to want to play in the toxic waters of the Ohio and Mississippi.Immortals skin will even peal off with dioxins. So those behind this are making America toxic and in this projection, the Lame Cherry honestly believes that this group desires a nuclear war, complete with plutonium and cobalt bombs which will be years of radiation poisoning in making the United States scorched earth.

The Anglos wanted the Americans dead and enslaved like they do all wogs. This is not the Anglos, but they have signed onto this genocide. This is the Ashkenaz, the guild members who are behind this change in how to deal with America and Americans......and the world. The projections in this appear to accept that wide swaths of Asia and America will be void of all life, a poison planet. I have told you that Crazy Eddie is a lezbo and they are not sane. This is satanic type madness. No sane person who was immortal would want a toxic planet to be imprisoned on, and yet that is exactly what these protocols are producing, and no one save this blog has noticed this change and pattern.

Whatever plans these oldsters initiated have been wiped from the agenda. This is no longer about earth worship. This is about creating a poison planet and this lezbo guild is doing just that. Whoever was involved and why with that train crash. The reality is that HAARP was already in action to make this an enternal pollution zone in Ohio and will continue on, spreading this into the groundwater and other drainages, until nothing but mutants and the dead are left in the silent world this will generate like all the other silences we have experienced of late in the insects are gone, the song birds are gone, butterflies are gone, bees are gone. As this blog stated in Communion, a sect is killing off a rival sect of hybrids and in Ohio it just went scorched earth.

That someone is Ashkenaz guild. There is carte blanche with those involved in this as the Ango are mum on it all, as much as everyone else. This is an extinction plan as nothing survives chemical weapons. Ohio by definition was another set up.  It is taking out what is probably a redneck refuge center in making it toxic. They have burned the forest before the flushed humans can get into it.

Think about it and know the rules have changed.

Nuff Said
