Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Toxic Nuclear Race

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us are going to have to face this issue, as we have been poisoned in the United States by radioactive crops. As most of you did not pay attention in years past, but in your fresh fruit section, namely grapes, they were coming from Ukraine, meaning Chernobyl, and due to the oligarch bribes to the American regime, all of us were exposed to concentrations of radioactive decay, just as Ukrainians have been in their markets and the USDA allowed all of this to happen.

The issue now is depleted Uranium from England which is already in Ukraine in shells, and in German and American armour as that is what is on these munitions, and the moment they are exploded, the fine dust gets into everything and on everything, from people, to wheat, to grapes. Yes there are massive consequences for using depleted Uranium.

Putin Disagrees With West’s Claims Depleted
Uranium Has No Consequences

If Depleted Uranium is safe, then why is the United States keeping it in facilities away from the public and spending billions on disposing it?

Yes if Depleted Uranium is safe, then why is not Hollywood wearing depleted uranium jewelry? Why is depleted uranium no included in our food as a condiment?

The fact is the United States cost consumers a fortune in removing lead from our paints and gasoline, as it was toxic, but for economic reasons of military profits an even more toxic heavy metal in depleted uranium is now going to be littered on another nation as America enjoys polluting nations like Iraq and Yugoslavia with their toxic radioactive material.

Later in the decade, France and the Soviet Union began their nuclear weapons and nuclear power programs. Depleted uranium was originally stored as an unusable ...

Jul 27, 2022 ... DOE estimates it could cost at least $7.2 billion to convert and dispose of the DUF6 at its sites. But if DOE can transfer portions of its DUF6 ...

Storage as depleted uranium oxide could potentially result in adverse impacts to air, water, and soil quality as a result of construction activities—similar to ...

This is something which is lost on the ignornant. Depleted Uranium is radioactive material, but at it's source it is a toxic heavy metal, like all heavy metals. It is a poison to humans and all living things.. This is not like lead which is surrounded by a solid metal jacket in bullets. This is a material which is encased, and is subject to destruction by high explosives, which turn it into dust and in most cases an immense fireball which spreads it into the atmosphere. The Lame Cherry states again, as lead was said to be toxic, then why is something far worse, not toxic when it is being spread on the world's food supply and sold back to the rest of the world when Grubber Zellinskyy starts using these shells? 

World depleted-uranium inventory
CountryOrganizationEstimated DU stocksReported
 United StatesDOE480,000 tonnes
(530,000 short tons)
 RussiaFAEA460,000 tonnes
(510,000 short tons)


The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of concerns about potential long-term health effects. Normal functioning of the kidneybrainliverheart, and numerous other systems can be affected by exposure to uranium, a toxic metal.

The biological half-life (the average time it takes for the human body to eliminate half the amount in the body) for uranium is about 15 days

Compilation of 2004 review[8] information regarding uranium toxicity
Body systemHuman studiesAnimal studiesIn vitro
RenalElevated levels of protein excretion, urinary catalase and diuresisDamage to proximal convoluted tubules, necrotic cells cast from tubular epithelium, glomerular changesNo studies
Brain/CNSDecreased performance on neurocognitive testsAcute cholinergic toxicity; Dose-dependent accumulation in cortex, midbrain, and vermis; Electrophysiological changes in hippocampusNo studies
DNAIncreased reports of cancersIncreased urine mutagenicity and induction of tumorsBinucleated cells with micronuclei, Inhibition of cell cycle kinetics and proliferation; Sister chromatid induction, tumorigenic phenotype
Bone/muscleNo studiesInhibition of periodontal bone formation; and alveolar wound healingNo studies
ReproductiveUranium miners have more first born female childrenModerate to severe focal tubular atrophy; vacuolization of Leydig cellsNo studies
Lungs/respiratoryNo adverse health effects reportedSevere nasal congestion and hemorrhage, lung lesions and fibrosis, edema and swelling, lung cancerNo studies
GastrointestinalVomiting, diarrhea, albuminurian/an/a
LiverNo effects seen at exposure doseFatty livers, focal necrosisNo studies
SkinNo exposure assessment data availableSwollen vacuolated epidermal cells, damage to hair follicles and sebaceous glandsNo studies
Tissues surrounding embedded DU fragmentsElevated uranium urine concentrationsElevated uranium urine concentrations, perturbations in biochemical and neuropsychological testingNo studies
Immune systemChronic fatigue, rash, ear and eye infections, hair and weight loss, cough. May be due to combined chemical exposure rather than DU aloneNo studiesNo studies
EyesNo studiesConjunctivitis, irritation inflammation, edema, ulceration of conjunctival sacsNo studies
BloodNo studiesDecrease in RBC count and hemoglobin concentrationNo studies
CardiovascularMyocarditis resulting from the uranium ingestion, which ended 6 months after ingestionNo effectsNo studies

This toxic metal as you can read by the effects of being exposed to it, swells tissues, changes DNA and causes tissue damage. This is not healthy and this should not be used, even if America has tons of the stuff in rotting containers, kept away from the public.........the solution is not to spread it on Russians in Ukraine who will use their own toxic depleted uranium in retaliation, causing a toxic nuclear race.

Whatever sex deviants have now attained control of the cartel, their operational agenda is to use poisons and toxins to kill off all life. The hijacked American regime is with London promoting this toxic world and this is a point in this blog that it requires being stated that this is harmful to everyone and to the planet. Ukraine feeds a number of nations. That is going to be poisoned food for longer than humanity will last.

It must be stated that this needs to be stopped immediately.

Nuff Said
