Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A GOPliter Budget Win.......what it looks like


Why does everyone call me the Nazi fumducker?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You simply have to know something is wrong with the party or Ronald Reagan, when you have a fumducker, who has been in Congress for a few years, is from cow chip South Dakota is the head of a group called the Main Street Caucus, and Jake Tapper throws soft ball questions to him on this McCarthy debt ceiling. Yes GOPliter to the Nazi core, and yes this spending that Kevin McCarthy just agreed to is a disaster for all of us.

Dusty Johnson, the fumducker, was wetting himself over how marvelous this bill was in saving 1.5 trillion dollars in spending over 10 years and limits growth to 1% each year.

“I mean, this is going to cut non-defense and non-VA spending back to 2022 levels,” Johnson told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.” “That is a big get for Republicans. That’s what we had in Limit, Save, Grow, and it’s going to save $1.5 trillion over the course of the next ten years.”

“It also, for six years, establishes caps at one percent, so we can slow the growth of spending,” he added.

America is already spending trillions more than it can rape from the population in taxes. America is bankrupt. America is a despot state. Yet Dusty Johnson and the GOPliters are telling you in a multi trillion dollar world of debt that saving 150 billion dollars a year is going to matter.

For you fumduckers, here is an analogy. Say you are paid 50,000 dollars a year and the IRS takes 15000 dollars a year in taxes. Would you consider it a big win if the IRS let you keep 1500 dollars more......which you can't buy anything with anyway or would you consider it a win if the IRS let you keep 10,000 dollars more by cutting your taxes?

Of course it is the 10 grande, because that is allot of money. Dusty Johnson is not going to make a difference in the American debt structure and inflation with 150,000 billion a year. Dictator Biden gives Ukraine 150,000 billion a year. That is how small this sum is. Yes if you got this 150, 000 billion for your state, that would make a big difference......but did you catch what Dusty Street Johnson told you? The Defense trillions are being spent on weapons the Russians are defeating and the VA. As you do not build missiles and were not stupid enough to join the woke military to get your leg blown off, these protections for the Nazi state, because that is what is going on here, is US Treasury money going directly into the Hitler arms industry starting a war with Russia in Ukraine.

Let us look at this from Chuck Schumer's point of view. Chuck got all the money he was getting for invaders and homos, and he gets to give them 1% more a year. So invaders and homos are getting billions more every year while you get shit on.

There was not any spending cuts. There was not any debt reduction. Do any of you think America will even exist ten years from now? Great thing to celebrate.

This Dusty Street group is 99.8% white. They have on token Asian. The rest by about 97% all look like their parents were related and Dusty Johnson looks like the sperm that made their cracked egg go tard.

All this is under Kevin McCarthy is more legalized rapine of America as it is erased. I repeat there were not any cuts, not any stopping a growing budget and nothing for an America. This was all for the Nazi, the sex deviant and foreigners.

This is a disaster for America in pulling the plug.

Nuff Said
