Saturday, May 27, 2023

For the Price of a Gun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is going to be your million dollar knowledge.

First, your house is going to burn own without electric power due to firestorms or due to a nuclear attack.

Second, you won't have a house.

Third, you are going to need some kind of shelter to survive.

Fourth, you are going to need some kind of defensive shelter that will not burn down and will stop bullets.

You are going to have to build a dug out shelter, meaning dig into an embankment, which provides you elevation for security and the earth when lined with boards of metal which survives fire will provide you the insulation from cold, heat and bullets.

What you are going to need is a spade, not a shovel like that stupid woman in the above using a sand shovel. You can not dig dirt or sod with a sand shovel.

You do not want a flat nosed spade. You want a tile spade. They are made for cleaning out culvert drains.

You of course being an idiot as to using manual tools are going to break the shovel handle. My advice is to be like me in procuring a number of handles for such a reality as I am not an idiot, but handles do break with age, but you are not going to do that, so this is what you need.

First you need a vice to hold the ash wood you need to work with to make a handle. You will need your vice attached to a table to hold your wood steady.

Second, you need something to work the wood with.........spokeshave.

Or draw knife.

Next you will need rivet to hold the handle on.

Lastly you need a ball pein hammer to pein the rivets  mushroom over so the handle stays snug.

You are going to need twice as many rivets, not because you are stupid, but because Chinese rivets are all inferior and their heads cut off on hammering them.

Now here is the thing, I have not told you that you need a file to file the heads off the rivets in the old handle, a punch to drive out the rivets, and a brace and bit to drill out the broken wood handle in pieces so you can get the new one started.

I never mentioned that the correct tile space bit would have a cut in the back, that you could drive a chisel into it, to expand it, get your wooden shovel handle seated deep and then pop it out for a real tight fight.

As you geniuses with all of your money and diplomas do not have this rudimentary knowledge, just how are you going to survive the hundred other ways you need to? Water is as complicated, cutting wood is as in depth, preserving meat is as precise.

Get two tile spades. That is where you start.

Stop buying guns and ammo as you have enough of them. Tools are required to survive.

Nuff Said
