Friday, May 26, 2023

You are not Winning


....and what of the pretty blonde whispering allure to you in your revulsion.
the pretty almost manly looking blonde, Uncle Daddy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For your sakes and for God's sake, the Lame Cherry pleads with you lemmings to not get sucked into this Budweiser, Miller, Target and whatever else is being thrown at you, with FBI in contempt hearings and the GOPliters holding Director Wray in contempt as now you have Cuban DeSantis pitted against Desterter Don as Elon the Frican voices his support for Negro Tim Scott.

It is still the same paradigm. It is still the same FBI hunting people down and throwing them into prison for putting their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk. It is still the same pedo promotion world. You are not winning at anything. It is a ruse to distract you and to draw you out again. Those behind this know they do not have to let people from Jan6 off, as they can fool you on the cheap as the soap opera of FOX and  Tucker is pasted over all of this MI6 media, as Montana stands firm against sex deviants.

You are so naive in this that you can not even see in the above photo from "Rebel News" that the feature norms focus on is the attractive blonde in the background. This is a psychological molestation. You are filled with the revulsion mechanism of the freak, but you pacifiy yourself with the older attractive blonde. Your signals are being fucked up in firing at both times, which is exactly what the homo agenda has been in being friends to the dork kid, doping them up, raping them and giving them pleasure and then the kid thinks they are a fag because while rape was bad..........gee they were accepted and with pleasure, so this homo shit must be good.

Harry Hewitt with his quadroon. Nom de Deus, I keep harping about his National Geographic or Nature jacking off, because little Harry was feeling abandoned, went up to his royal room, and not having porn, was fed that perv animal sex with naked tit Negresses, and to comfort himself he jacked off and that is how Meghan was born into his psyche. It is all about violation, isolation and comfort being mixed that produces the sex deviation from normal.

You are looking at that Montana photo and have no idea you are being mind raped, just like you have no idea you are being overloaded with all this shit news, so that your mind is being warped, so now you can fight over Deserter Don who left you for prison or Cuban DeSantis who beds with Disney in the Bush Boy crowd as DIA Elon Frican, manages his paid part in this.

You are not winning. You are not DISCIPLINED enough to not be sucked into this, so you get out of Babylon and you wait around for Jesus to deal with this stuff.......and that does not mean Franklin Graham cozy with DeSantis and his Samaritan's Purse luring in all other platforms to their control. Just step back and go be normal and unplug from this mind conditioning every day.

You and no one else is stopping European Budweiser or pervert Minnesota Target, they will come back at you full bore as they have the US Treasury tapping of funds so they will stay active as a platform.

For your sake, do not get involved with these politics, harping about shit on social media, or you are going to be leaving tracks for your prosecution and being lured into another Trump Wilding.

All of this is like the cartel luring out Russia in Ukraine. They are letting Russia think they are winning, but Russia is being set up. They know all the projections and more than even the Russians can prepare for. They will keep moving the goal posts and Russia is allowing and following to world war.

You would do a great deal better in Bible study, watching some OLD DVD's from a normal era, reading books before all of this was unleashed and just doing the things you enjoy, whether it is gardening, sewing, building something or the discover of adventure in engines as big girls are not supposed to know about those things.

All I can do is warn you. You want to win. You want to be avenged. You are frustrated. You like to be stimulated. All of that is coming and it looks like the players in the know are saying the Feather Flu is the next bio weapon agenda. You better be as General Grant said about General Lee, in giving more thought how you are not going to be suckered by him, instead of marveling how he was suckering you. PREP, nothing has changed, except the time line has moved forward to Second Advent. You get out of Babylon and stay out. You focus on Spiritual Christ and grow that being as you are supposed to as none of you are prepared to deal with what is coming. It does not have to be hell on earth. You can be like Lot and watch the plains go up in smoke and not being in the mix

You keep going gopher, because if you think you are wolf enough to handle this, you are going to be pelted by the police state. Obey the laws, pay your taxes and do not make trouble for yourselves.

Nuff Said

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