Saturday, May 27, 2023

Geezer 6

yes we have no bananas, but would you like a nice plantain?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As always the Lame Cherry has a few comments on something no one else will note or state.

I have no idea who this Oath Keepers guy is, and for that matter I really never paid any attention what any of these Jan6ers were espousing as none of it matters. I did think I read though the Judge in the case of the head guy of Oath Keepers said something like this dude is a danger, and the police state prosecutors nailed him on sedition. I'm not going to get bogged down in details as that does not matter.

What matters is what follows.

Veteran Who Led Oath Keepers Sentenced
To 18 Years For Role In Jan 6

This is a 58 year old geezer. He will be 76 years old when he gets out of prison, or younger if he dies jail. Here is the thing, and this is the part that only the Lame Cherry makes you think about.

OK, let's just put it out there that this Geezer 6 is a bad ass, the Lame Cherry says he is not a threat, and here is the challenge to prove the point. Let's give Geezer 6 a state, say South Dakota. South Dakota has an Air Force base and weekend warriors. Dictator Biden said something like giving people F 16's or something or people had guns and he had F 16's to kill them. I don't pay much attention to what he spouts off about either as he is still the same Mic that left Ireland that you would never invite past the front door.

So Geezer 6 has a state, he has big bombers, fighter bombers, a state army. That is a pretty big arsenal is it not? A real threat? Do you know what would happen if he had all that firepower? Not a damn or blessed thing.

The cartel designed this to be such a big police state that no one man, no mob of Trump supporters, no person with a state or ten states could stop the dictates. The government knows all of this and these show trials are just that, political intimidation. Prosecutors get promoted for following orders on these outlandish lies,  just like a Judge moves up the rung for promoting the theater. Look at Merrick Garland. He was OKC, and he parlayed that into the Supreme Court almost and is now the dictator over at the Justice Department. You play ball, you promote the fake narratives and you get the power jobs, because you sold your soul. Everyone knows this and these diversions, deflections and propaganda are all just a mind scam to keep people off balance.

Getting back to Geezer 6, as he could not do a thing to stop the cartel control of America with an entire state and enough firepower to blow most nations off  the map, proves he is not a threat. No one is. Hell the entire South joined together and fought for State Rights and Lincoln genocided them in a real holocaust of Southerners. As the entire Confederacy could not stop the prop of Lincoln installed by northern money men out of New York and Rothschild Europe banking, this Geezer 6 and these thousands that are being thrown into jail for misdemeanors and the fiction they are some kind of seditious threat are no threat at all to this order which is established.  Geezer 6 could unleash all he had, and by the next hour we would have pedophile promotions, drag queen shows, Bud Lite hosting sex deviants and the FBI arresting 10 million more people. Nothing would change as the order is too big and it was all designed that way in the ultimate centralized decentralized power orbit of perfect first column followers all sorted out by psych tests and having been groomed for years to prove what like minded thinkers they are.

Geezer 6 is not a threat. If his band of half being FBI assets were a threat, then in two years should there not have been a revolution, an uprising.....hell a gathering of people who could elect a county sheriff. Yet there is none of that. The very essence of reality are the facts that Geezer 6 is as Pontius Pilate said of Barabbas, just a man with a following for the moment who followed another man of the moment and would be followed by another man going nowhere as the people moved on.

These people are Mr Smith goes to Washington, but never knew it was a country that does not exist anymore. It was good propaganda to sucker people to give away all their money for a regime to make them beggars and to spill their kid's blood in these patriotic wars which only benefited the money few and produced a world, exactly what we were told we were fighting against.

This Geezer is an unfortunate Darwin. He is the rare rhino who went to the river to get a drink and a crocodile dragged him into the water for a meal as British television filmed it all as a part of nature. Just is the wrong rhino who should have waited for some unfortunate warthog to get a drink first.

As a million people in DC could not stop the installation of Joe Biden, as he does sit in the White House, all those people in Congress are still ruling, that is absolute proof that this order never was a threat  and was as big of WWE event as Donald the deserter Trump in this DIA operation.

Unfortunate people got murdered like Ashli Babbitt. Others whose names we forgot, got trampled as police thuggery stampeded the crowds. Thousands of unfortunates discovered they violated these wide loop laws which have no definition until examples are a necessity to be made. It is all just the road kill question in why did that squirrel get run over when a thousand times before that highway was safe.

None of the facts matter. What matters is reality.  Reality is you get into trouble now for talking, for being around other people, for being a Christian, for not agreeing with what is being stated is the only acceptable thought. It is a time that just because you could always eat your banana safely up the Mopane tree, but now a leopard is eating all the banana eaters, that the rules have changed and if you do not want to become leopard poop, you better find an acceptable way to eat your banana.

Personally, I simply could not be an FBI Agent who makes cases against people who are banana eaters. I simply could not be a Prosecutor making my career out of saying eating bananas now is a crime, and I could not be a Judge who throws people into jail for eating bananas, no matter how I'm ordered to make bananas into a crime. It would make me sad as I do believe in the rule of law and know that most people are idiots and deserve the benefit of the doubt. Life would be empty for me in thinking my entire life was not some Perry Mason wonderful exercise of the law, but a wood chipper of humanity, looking all sad in that big pile on the lawn in knowing the trees once mattered.

In all herds, the animals always are on alert for predators, but once the kill is made, they go back to chewing their cud. Geezer 6 is of a group that is feeding the pack, and after each sentence, the herd raises it's head, notes it, and goes back to chewing it's cud, thankful that they are safe for now.
The cartel has cataloged all of this and humans are no different specie. We all know that someday we will meet our end, whether some vax, some plague, some Wormwood, some Mexican, some accident or maybe the police state will show up and shoot us. The police state eating us is just another factor in the facts of life. It is just one more thing to kill us. There is no panic in this no more than gazelles panic at lions. It is just the category that none of us cloven hooves types are a threat, but whether we get it by the fang or a microbe, death will come as this is now the natural order of life. This is not about threats. This is about a herd and a pack in control. The abnormal now, was the standard before 1776 AD in the year of our Lord. It is all just the old ways of the king's deer or the king's decree. What evolved is now devolved.

This order is too big to have anything threaten it. Even Moscow and Peking are not big enough to threaten it. That is the reality that none of these Jan6ers could ever threaten that order.

Nuff Said. 21.02 [883] The Lawrence ... 13 - "Yes, We Have No Bananassung by Bob Lido, Charlie Parlatto and Tanya Falan

