Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Turbo Cancers


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to preface this with reminding all of you that the vaxes had a big U in them which some people thought was uranium, but that was not the case as I explained by God's Grace, in the U stood for URACIL which is one of the four amino acids the body produces to process food into the stuff of life.

The reason I am bringing this up is Jeff Rense has been speaking of turbo cancers. That is not a correct explanation as the cancers are the same, it is something in the body has changed which is assisting cancers and other diseases in the mRNA and prion infection of the body.

You will notice in the quote below the word pseudouridine, or fake douridine, which the body produces under stress. The body is under stress in being reprogrammed with mRNA to manufacture spike proteins "to fight off COVID", it is causing rapid aging in this VANCES group of two leggers.

The pseudouidine is a building block or things can attach to it, one being URACIL which is a building block in the body for you to live. I will explain on the other side so you can understand this.

And why are we seeing the emergence of “turbo cancers”? Dr. Ealy believes the answer lies in pseudouridine, a molecule the body makes under stress. “So if the body’s producing a lot of it, what it leads to is neurodegeneration that leads to tumor neogenesis [growth].”

Pseudouridine (abbreviated by the Greek letter psi- Ψ) is an isomer of the nucleoside uridine in which the uracil is attached via a carbon-carbon instead of a nitrogen-carbon glycosidic bond. (In this configuration, uracil is sometimes referred to as 'pseudouracil'.)

In quotes from online and from the Lame Cherry, this all ties together. See the Coronavirus Wuhan and the vaxes all were reacting with URACIL in the amino acids. URACIL was found to be replacing another amino acid in GUANINE. As by God's Grace I explained. GUANINE is the glue which holds cells together. URACIL is the cookie cutter that turns out more exact cells.

OK so the body is under stress in over producing an immune response to these prions. The body starts making pseudouridine in volume, which URACIL just happens to attach itself too. While this is taking place, the glue that holds cells together is being replaced by URACIL, meaning cells not holding together are starting to expand as they should not. You would know this in common terms like cancer or tumors.
The URACIL then is the amino acid that mass produces like cells. It is already engaged in the pseudouridine, it is overloading the cells in replacing GUANINE,so the cells are not holding together as they should, meaning they are capable of mutations, again you know this as cancer, and into this URACIL is dominating the replication process in it is replicating unhealthy cells, in cancers, instead of healthy normal cells.

Meet you on the other side.

They found that the SARS-CoV-2 genome contains an unusually large number of mutations which lead to the replacement of guanine (G), one of the four "letters" of the DNA and the RNA chains, with the molecules of uracil (U). In all, over two hundred (15%) of the discovered mutations belong to this category. This is almost ten times the share of such mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 ancestor before the infection of humans.
This was absolutely not typical of other coronaviruses in which the share of replacement of guanine with uracil before and after infections in humans was similar. This unique characteristic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus manifested itself both in the full set of genomes and in the analyses of the genome sets obtained in some countries, such as the US and China.

A quote from the Lame Cherry almost 3 years ago explaining all of this.

I endeavor always to break the information down to layman's terms so you can process it, as none of you are microbiologists.  The two components the Russians discovered altered, out of the four in human DNA were Uracil and Guanine.

Uracil stabilized DNA and replication of DNA. Guanine is a building block present in both RNA and DNA. When Coronavirus mutates, the Russians discovered in the mutations that Guanine is being replaced by molecules of Uracil.

Think of this simply is Guanine is a binding agent while Uracil is a replicating agent. Guanine is GLUE in cells. Uracil is a cookie cutter making more cookies. The common place both are found is in RNA or the part of a cell which replicates, not the DNA.
So when the glue which holds cells together is displaced, the cells do not hold together at base, and a new stability or instability is introduced, the cookie starts to crumble, but a new mRNA or DNA reprogramming is initiated which kills or transforms the cell.

Guanine has one oxygen molecule to give, but Uracil has two, as the diagrams reveal. Uracil dominates as having more molecules for other processes to link into.

So the Lame Cherry explained all of this in URACIL almost 3 years ago, and the tourists are just showing up. We now have a more complete picture in why these cancers are so rapidly expanding in he human body. Uracil has been hijacked, Guanine has been suppressed, and the body is growing weaker in over production of prions, in an over taxed immune system, which no longer has the capacity to recognize nor suppress cancers as it normal does.

As this blog has stated, the focus on this seems to be that in the 2025 AD in the year of our Lord future, the Big Pharm is mass producing TB related drugs and fungal infections are appearing in Candida and in being mistaken for TB. That is probably the end phase in this, as the cancers, auto immune, organ failures and clots will have culled those groups out.

This may be treated, but there is not a fix for mRNA restructuring once in the body.  This is the basis of transhuman engineering as human cells are being allowed to expand past their DNA sequence, and once that occurs, the Uracil is mass producing the new non normal cells, which are consuming the body's resources faster than it can take in nutrients.

Covered all of this years ago and it is now coming to fruition. We have a more concise time table though as the progression of this continues and that which is pure blood and vax enhanced remains in the population not at large, but which is diminishing due to death culling.

Nuff Said

