Tuesday, May 9, 2023

It is kind of like Poaching


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was talking to an old gal in the Brier Patch last week, and she scowled like we all do in talking snow, in, "Yeah that snow comes and it just don't melt until spring".

I was amazed in my first experience with snow in Ohio where the people called it pretty. It was January and that shit melted in 10 days. What the hell kind of winter is that? I hate snow and winter as it is worse with HAARP aluminum and barium snow as that shit does not melt until it hits 50 degrees.

This is not about snow or winter, but about wiring or snaring fish, This is called survival. I first heard of this from an old boy who was snaring pike. He actually cut a big one in half with a wire snare when it took off. I have often wondered if heavy monofilament would work or if the fish would just slip though.

I think the above picture is from West Virginia where they rarely get ice on water. I hate Goddamn bugs like ticks and shit, but sometimes the trade off in 40 below is not the solution to not having bugs as I hate winter.

Below you will find an English poachers knot. For all the whining about English poachers, you never find any pictures of their snaring or wiring for pike or trout. They apparently kill all kinds of things with their wires and snares from birds to fish. It would be nice if the experts actually published more shit than how to snare an elephant. I mean who the frick wants to snare an elephant in the real world.

You can hook up allot of deer in snares, again survival is what we are talking about here.

I figure the poachers knot would work good on brass, copper or braided picture hanging wire. You want things to slip, and that is what you do with fish you slip the loop over the head, behind the gills and then yank........with a pole or gloves on, as you will cut yourself wide open bare handing a fish that is bigger than you hand, so don't be stupid as I do not want your prion infested blood polluting my water.

I thought the above babe was hot for a fish killer. Got more blood on her camo jammies than Dracula drains from a virgin. Still would like to try big mono line, cut down on the bleeding of the fish.

I only like smoked carp. Is like pork, best if it is bacon, otherwise all you got is pig.

So that is the howdy on what to keep in your arsenal. These jaspers lay on rubber tires. Minnesotans build themselves little shacks which are dark to stalk fish in. Some people lay down a big chunk of rubber roofing as the fish like lolling around under that to feel secure.

Are you paying attention to the million dollar knowledge?


Nuff Said
