Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Just something comfortable to Wear


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Recently the Lord put into our possession something I had always wanted and as time is running out at the time of the end, the Lord fulfilled the desire.

As I have written my godson had a Topper Harrington & Richardson in 20 gauge which he burned shells up at pheasants as a child to help the ammo companies and keep pheasants safe. I admired that kids gun for it being compact and light. So I wanted one, but at around 200 bucks they were too much for my poverty and the next part was that H & R stopped making them.

That is where this Turkish Nomad comes in. I do not like the 410 gauge as it just does not look pleasing, but the 12 and 20 gauge are just Euclidean pretty.

This is a prep tool, like a bag of sugar or sewing needles. It folds, is compact, not meant for real hunting, but is a pot gun that can work for self defense, dispatching critters or in getting a scratch shot at some game that you can eat.

Immediately upon getting this firearm, the Holy Ghost suggested how perfect it would be to get some clothes for it. What I ma talking about is an ammo holder that straps onto the stock.

For most of you, you have no idea of firearms. This is a single shot firearm, so it has one shell in the barrel. You can carry other shells in your pockets which you will forget to put in your pockets or run off chasing some skunk and not have time for shells.

This Nomad is meant to be packed along, in a pick up, a boat, a plane, a horse, a pack, and people soon realize that shotgun shell boxes come apart and you are left with your shells scattered and dropping all over.

For a non hunting situation, this kind of shell holder, which has a zip pouch included is just the thing

I plan on a waterproof bag to include matches, compass, bags of tea and whatever else I can stuff in there, because this is about prepping and having odd things like asprin, bandaids or whatever in a small pouch is what I carry in my bill fold anyway.

So this clothing on this gun is going to be a little travel kit for just in case.

This is my Christmas present and it delights me. I have it packed away and will not touch it, even to model the clothes I got for it. That is part of the suspense of presents I have not had for years. This for some reason pleases me and delights me. It is the stuff of Christmas stories for Red Ryder BB guns which I thought I would never touch again.

In all honesty though this is serious and I pray to God I never have to use this tool, because I know if I am relying on this package, then my situation has gone dire and I will be on the move and sleeping in strange places.

It would be so much better for rich people to just donate what their lives are worth to the blog, and I could go on an elk hunt with TL and post all of that adventure here for your training and enjoyment.

So I know my prize has dire consequences and it makes me wonder what God knows in being so beneficial to me in preparations.

I should be providing some advice on feeding baby. This is a light gun so it will kick with heavy loads, so no 3 inch magnums in either 12 or 20.

They are hard to come by, but I love BB's and 2's in 2 3/4 inch loads in 12 gauge, you can add 4 or 5 shot too. That is hunting loads.

For bigger two legged and four legged game, a slug or something in Double O or Four buckshot would be in order for the 12.

The 20 is different. There you are stuck with slugs, probably 4 buck and 4 shot, the Co Opters do not like people having access to shot sizes that actually work.

Stay away from steel shot as this is survival, always go lead. If you could find 2 shot for the 20 that is something I would rely upon, as to put it in my brother's terminology, now vax dead, "You want them shitting on your gun barrel." That means a close shot.

I chose black clothing, as that is non reflective, unless it is in snow. I want something hard to see by others.

This is your survival lesson and I will tell you one last thing. This single shot pip will be worth more to anyone than a 223 AR 15 anyday of the week or year. It will kill anything worth killing and it will make up for most of your bad shooting as a shotgun has dozens of pellets while a rifle has just the one bullet.

Nuff Said
