Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Roselyn Carter's Happy Ending


ハッピーエンド ?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So Rosalyn Carter gets a happy ending in Jimmy Carter and we get none, as she can forget this awful disaster she helped create, and we are stuck with a Jimmy Carter fiction of a man how will not die.

I would not put it past this glory whoring duo to have faked this diagnosis to expand the sympathy for eternal Jimmy the man that cancer just loves.

Former FLOTUS Rosalynn Carter diagnosed with dementia – One America News Network   oann 

Then again, the unforgettable Jimmy Carter might have lost it and have Roselyn hooked up to electric shock to stimulate here to remember him, as Jimmy Carter is the kind of compulsive who has been planning to be remembered at all costs.

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