Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Dangerous Model and or Ski Instructor


Yes Ivana Trump was a commie spy who tried to end American global model
dominance to destroy the United Sates in the Cold War..........or not.

By the end of 1990, however, “no outstanding leads remain,” and the investigation was closed.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly believe I understand a bit more about the FBI psychology of January 6th after the discovery that Donald Trump's first wife, the Czech born, Ivana Zelnickova had devoted to her 900 pages of surveillance and investigation on her. 

I would imagine that Trump's 3rd wife in Melania, must have her own archive at the FBI being a beautiful foreigner who came to the United States.

I remember the first time I saw Ivana. She was on This Old House on PBS, giving Bob Vila a tour of the newest Trump masterpiece in Trump Tower. She was the perfect salesperson and exuded elegance and class. Anyone who would have thought this woman a spy, really had too much time on their hands and too much need to take nudie pictures of her in her bathroom

What struck me was this quote from the FBI, now these are Special Agents in the foreign service division like Peter Strzok who was banging that innocent little..........I forget her name, but she was a lovely married woman who was taken advantage of.

The FBI was focused on conflicting information in was Ivana Trump a model or ski instructor. Now I could see if she was a graduate of Stalin High School and attended the KGB summer camp, and there were questions why she also appeared as a nun with the communist John Paul II at the Vatican. That kind of story would not match and being with the KGB is kind of a red flag. But to use the excuse that someone who was a paid FBI informant, apparently a communist from Czechoslovakia, who was lousy with double agents, in order to get paid was making up conflicting stories of whether a woman who skied was a ski instructor or who was beautiful was a model, sounds more like lesbians at the FBI looking for masturbation photos and costing taxpayers 900 pages of files, which worth around 10,000 dollars a page in all that requires to get information.

There, conflicting informationindicates she was either a model or ski instructor and made frequent visits to the US before obtaining permanent residency there in 1978 – a year after marrying Trump.

This though were the seeds of Christopher Steele for Hillary Clinton, then Bush fam, then John the hero McCain with Marco Rubio and that Ashkejew Bill Kristol in that Russiagate nonsense.  I mean Donald Trump having teenage whores pissing in the bed the Obama's slept in, in Moscow...........the Obama's do not sleep together nor have sex, so anyone with  a brain would have flushed that bullshit, but the basis of this was Ivana Trump a dangerous ski instructor or a dangerous model. Obviously this meant she was going to overthrow America on the ski slopes or ruin Cheryl Tiegs as a super model.

This is so ridiculous and why the cartel is nailing one more lid on the FBI coffin in the absolutely ludicrous things the FBI wastes time on. For 12 years the FBI had an open file on Ivana Trump. It only dried up on 1990, when their old communist agent probably died from eating too much FBI paid for caviar and laughing his or her ass off in being paid to jerk the FBI around.

I mean who the F takes this case on during Jimmy Carter in 1979 AD in the year of our Lord, with a straight face and no one asked any questions. This is the duo of Carter stooges, so it had to originate with them.

Jbadams.jpgJames B. Adams
February 15, 1978 – February 23, 19788 daysJimmy Carter
3Williamwebster.jpgWilliam H. WebsterFebruary 23, 1978 – May 25, 19879 years, 91 days

America has been rotting for a very long time. There are zero illusions of it in what has filled this entire police state, in the danger is now White People, but it once was whether a woman was a ski instructor or a model.

Nuff Said
