Monday, May 29, 2023

The FBI a Praetorian Guard

Jacob Heilbrunn, journalist and senior editor at The National Interest gives a mixed assessment of Hoover's legacy:

There's no question that Hoover's record is a mixed one, but I don't think he was a demon. He's constantly being decried as being virulently anti-communist as if this was just a symptom of his paranoia. But if anything, he wasn't vigilant enough in ferreting out communist infiltration in the Roosevelt administration – we now know from KGB archives that there were dozens if not hundreds of KGB informants working inside the government. He's also regularly accused of broaching people's civil liberties - but in fact, Hoover resisted the wire-tapping activities that President Nixon wanted to perpetuate.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is apparent that the cartel intends to position the FBI into the position of the unforgivable police state despot as DOJ junta leader Christopher Wray has initiated orders to compartmentalize briefings in order for Agents to not to be able to testify with information before Congress.

This is deliberate in the skirt who was before Congress in:

 Assistant Director of the FBI for Counterintelligence, Suzanne Turner

The Assistant Director of the FBI for Counterintelligence, Suzanne Turner, just testified before Congress. Asked about the Durham report, the one that said her agency had run amok and tried to stage what amounted to a coup, she responded by saying she had not bothered to read the report nor had she been briefed on it.

When pressed further she offered to take questions back to the FBI and see if she could get someone else to answer them. Contempt dripped from her every word and every mannerism. 

Stated that she had not read the Durham Report which is not worth reading, but that is not why she did not read it. She was ordered to not expose herself to it, so that she would then have no information to provide to Congress, in it's mandated oversight of everything in and out of government.

That is troubling like all of the FBI has been troubling since Robert Mueller created a bureau in his own image, in whoever gave him the orders to transform the FBI from a hierarchy of experienced agents to one of moving agents around like chess pieces, so only the central head politically was in charge of the outlook of every agent.

The Lame Cherry will state again, that there is no place in the Constitution for any federal police. The only provision in the Constitution is for the IRS in the collecting of taxes. Otherwise all of these millions of federal police are the bi product of a Congress which has no authority to delegate the limited authority it was ceded by the People, meaning all of these agencies and cabinet posts are null and void, as the 10th Amendment retains all Rights not mentioned specifically in the Constitution.

Yes this is all a cartel degradation, the issue which the assassinated CIA Director, William Colby was most concerned about in the erosion of trust in the system by Americans. America has gone from a CIA, FBI, DIA which appeared before Congress and answered questions about their departments in mandated oversight, to the era of people lying to their diaries or simply refusing to appear before Congress or providing the information which was requested.

Oversight, Checks and Balances are the foundation of a Constitutional System. As the FBI like all of these agencies now, has determined that they are sovereign to themselves, that is not how the Constitution of a representative Republic functions. So we are having immense problems. It does not matter if Congress if full of traitors, pedophiles, crooks and stooges, they are Congress. Even if Congress was littered with spies, oversight requires those spies be told what any agency is up to. The way the system works then, is when the information is passed to a foreign body, the person is then prosecuted for the crime, but the reality in all societies is not that the secrets reign supreme, but that the People having access to all information are supreme.

We have gone from J. Edgar Hoover using corruption of Congressional people to blackmail them into agreeing to programs and activities, but Hoover always was engaged for the good of America. We are now at an FBI and this other police state of they are not working for the good of America, but the carte blanche of specific organized crime and criminalizing people who are not criminals.

Hillary Clinton was nuanced out of being prosecuted because she is part of the organized crime, just like Obama, just like Biden. On the other hand, Jan6ers are being hunted down as criminals for misdemeanors. The FBI has become a Praetorian Guard unto itself to protect a criminal caste which has exploited the economic and military assets for their group's benefit.

Everyone knows there is rampant corruption and it is corruption aimed at Americans.

I was reading the tweets of Peter Strzok concerning the Durham Report in retorting how many people in Russiagate were prosecuted. The problem as I read this taunt was that, none of these people had been charged or convicted of being a spy. All had gotten into trouble with the investigation after the fact which has been the case far too often. It is as Brendan Sullivan told Oliver North in Iran Contra. "No one is going to prison over this. People go to prison for not telling the truth afterwords".

Those are not crimes. Those are people being framed during an investigation over lying in a panic or not remembering things correctly.

The FBI seemed to have a purpose when it was dealing with Al Capone gangsters. It seemed to do a good job with communist spies. After that though in the ABSCAM era, it just started framing people  as the FBI had nothing to do, as they were told to look the other way on the Clinton's handing over tech to communist China and with all the dope money being laundered into Wall Street, those interests were protected as that evolved to Obama, after the Clinton Gore fiasco which led to 9 11 in managing terrorists.

The FBI is no longer fighting crime. It is instead managing criminals and inventing crimes.

I grew up worshiping the FBI. Agents in suits and shades were supreme and you could always trust them as they were like gods in being agent, judge and jury. If you did something which you had no intention of doing, the Agent would file it and no charges would be brought as you were not Al Capone. They were big brother looking after you without being Big Brother.

That is all gone now as it is political. J. Edgar was not going to bother with some dude in Missouri as that is what a Sheriff was for. Hell democrats burned down Chicago in 1968 and the FBI did not hunt down all those kids. We no longer have J. Edgar's FBI nor do we have an FBI was intent on management of America for the public good, instead of harming the public.

There is not any fix in this, because the individuals in this, have become a group, who are as John Adams stated, America gets the government they deserve. It is as Herbert Armstrong stated, When America is in the majority honest, we prosper. When the majority are crooked, we fail.

We have a majority in power now who are corrupt and not serving an interest to the majority of Americans. This is corruption because it is outside the rule of law as established by the Constitution. As the FBI is so certain of their contempt, then quit hiding behind walls and come before Congress and tell Congress that it is contemptible and the FBI is not going to answer for anything. If the FBI is so certain of their position then state it in public and not forget to read reports and stonewall. Otherwise the FBI cements the fact that it can not defend it's actions.

The FBI then must transition from hunting down misdemeanor Jan6ers and show up at Congress with guns drawn and arrest everyone in Congress, as the FBI has stated that the Congress has no purpose and it interferes with the FBI, so arrest them all, take control and let us all bask in the mandates of Christopher Wray dictating to us all the things we should think and only the activities which are state approved.

Why the CIA's New York Times and Washington Post is silent on this FBI corruption is not answered by them. No more than FOX commenting for MI6 in America. The fact is though the FBI has removed Congress as has the Justice Department in answering in oversight, so they should just remove Congress and become the "legislative" branch of government in deciding everything for the President to sign and the Courts to enforce.

The FBI has degraded from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. It is political not law enforcement.

That is the problem of the FBI, in it does not have a J Edgar Hoover who understood who Americans are and what America is, so he could define enemies foreign and domestic, and even more so, had the discipline to understand what was crossing the line, so the FBI was protecting America, and not promoting it's own Praetorian Guard.

Nuff Said
