Monday, May 29, 2023

Civilization is murdered by an idea


Don't you talk to me about daycare, raise you own Goddamn kid,
because I have work to do and my paycheck is for me, not you.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the memoirs of General William Tecumseh Sherman, while revisiting the California settlement situation, he stated something which was quite startling for an American, who lived in a Republic, but it was only startling to the Lame Cherry, because I actually was one of the natural leaders of the governing class.

General Sherman stated that government was best left to the class of people who could govern. Meaning not everyone should have a say in how government works due to their not having minds fit enough to comprehend how the system operates for the people.

All of us have in the modern era been conditioned to everyone has the right to vote and that everyone should participate. This is from the democracy mob who were intent on overthrowing the system of American governance to implement this Nazi corporate state who installs political puppets, and they protect it all by a police state which criminalizes the People. January 6th in the Trump era is the perfect microcosm of what this chaos by design have ruined America from foreign elitists like Birther Obama to domestic patricians in the Bush family.

Rense had on the following interesting observation by a Black African, begging for Whites to take control of South Africa again, as Blacks simply could not govern and have ruined that once paradise.

In a land of Negro majority, of course in South Africa, it would appear that the Negro is incapable of governing in that disaster, but in Kiev and Tel Aviv where the converted Jew rules, those are not any more functional than South Africa, and one can not visit any western capital where the Caucasian has not ruined first world nations into slums. So is this a matter that the Asian is equally as ruinous in Peking and Pyonyang, as the rest of the races or is there something involved in this which is the reality, in this is not a matter of race or ethnicity, this is a reality of an anti human ideology.

Theodore Roosevelt best expressed what is good government, and it is the anti social order of the original colonies of Plymouth and Jamestown. Those peoples practiced socialism where everyone shared, and they had vast problems, much as the Old Regime in Quebec ruled by priests and puppets, where the French languished in poverty.
Theodore Roosevelt in the Winning of the West in the Ohio Valley, stated that the United States government could have spent it's last cent in developing Ohio and it would have remained a wilderness. Instead American government, simply "gave" the wilderness to people to exploit, in natural greed, and people started developing everything from mining, farming, forestry, hunting, trapping, fishing, because the harder they worked, the richer they became. There was no mandate in this, for if there were, people would have gone French and sat in their homes as they did in the Illinois. Instead in self governance, with no government investment, Ohio became a manufacturing, farming and industrial center, because people kept all of what they worked for, instead of having it stolen by the government in taxes, which represses work.

What America and the world operates now is a fleecing operation, where the many have their dollars stolen from them, and the few collect them all to a monopoly of trillions. Humans are intelligent in knowing there is not a reason to work if that work is as a slave.

So the condition of the Negro in Africa is that pet Nelson Mandela's communism, like Obama community organized rapine. Only the few have power in South Africa and are rewarded. The many are exploited. The same issue is in America and the West where the Caucasian rules, but it is once again that socialist mindset of managing the bulk of humanity in order to control it and to profit from it.

The same afflictions are in Asia from Moscow to Peking, as this international socialism of the conglomerate, party or oligarch few, live in luxury, while the masses struggle, so like all of Africa, the individual can not rise up to be a billionaire competitor to the order which is implementing this further and further control, which is retarding natural human peaceful competition and development which makes all of our lives better and more enjoyable.

The system has been hijacked and skewed to reward people by robbing everyone. Do not think that welfare and entitlements are going to be maintained by this new order. This cartel is already finding ways in worst socialist enclaves in America and Canada to genocide the sick and elderly in "assisted suicide". Those who do not have a purpose in this feudal order, will be culled worse than non producing cattle in capitalism.

So the problem in all of this is not race. Yes some races are naturally not fit for working, as much as warfare. Some as General Sherman note are not fit for governing, but that is an ideology or inexperience within the race.
Dictator Biden is an Irishman. He is a failure because he is a socialist. Ronald Reagan was an Irishman who took the failure of Jimmy Carter and bloomed America again into prosperity and peace. So the issue is not the Irish being unfit. It is the issue that Ronald Reagan was a self governing, rugged individual who had people keeping as much as they could while exploiting life which made the world better for everyone.

This is all be design in installing these international socialists, as they have no idea how to govern as they are selfish, emotional retards who steal other peoples money and spend it only on those they enable in perversions to keep power by the mob. Until those who are fit to govern are re established, and that will not come without societal destruction, war or other Biblical Acts of God, because the cartel will murder off those and imprison those who are competitors to replace their deliberate failed system so they can rule from the ash heap they created.

Perhaps someday in the ruins, someone will find this Lame Cherry article and the lights will go off, and they will begin speaking of this solution and the world will begin to rebuild and flourish. It will be the lessons learned and the leftist culled by their own nature, which will allow again a rebuilding of civilization, as we do not have civilization now, we have the holocaust of responsible liberty and life.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

