Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Philippines Are Dead People Shitting


I died for Uncle Sam

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the wokesters of old, got rid of Ferdinand Marcos, installed this Corazon Aquino in People Power, which fell flat on it's ass, and as a war with China is in the offing, the neo wokesters installed Marcos son.

The U.S. military is poised to secure expanded access to key bases in the Philippines on the heels of a significant revamp of U.S. force posture in Japan — developments that reflect the allies’ concern with an increasingly fraught security environment in the region and a desire to deepen alliances with the United States, according to U.S. and Philippine officials.

The expansion involves access to Philippine military bases, likely including two on the northern island of Luzon — which, analysts said, could give U.S. forces a strategic position from which to mount operations in the event of a conflict in Taiwan or the South China Sea. They will also facilitate cooperation on a range of security concerns, including more rapid responses to natural disasters and climate-related events.

Here is the reality. War is coming. China is ruthless in war. China will not allow Taiwan, South Korea nor the Philippines, and that includes Okinawa and Guam to exist if China desires to survive.

That translates that China will nuke Manila and these American bases, land on their conquest for a forward operating position and take the rice back to China as the Filipino's will be dead or eaten.

The Philippines are going to die. It is now only a matter of time from now until 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, when the Pentagon war with China is initiated to begin.

It would be prudent of China to cleanse itself of it's American problems in the Pacific with a series of Russian created, H bomb tidal waves. No radioactivity and would wash their problems away.

Nuff Said
