Saturday, May 6, 2023

Working of the Ashkenazim


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The mystery of Tucker Carlson, the advocate for pedophile Hunter Biden is not so much Carlson, but the company that  the Ashkejew Murdoch's keep.

One has to understand that Rupert Murdoch of Ukraine Ashkenazim, started out as a protege and Tel Aviv katska, who arrived on the scene to replace another Ashekjew in Robert Maxwell of London, who got in financial trouble and tried blackmailing the Mosaad for money to rescue him.

Yes it makes sense in Jizzy Maxwell was a protege of influence peddler Jeffry Eptein whose files and favors were of maximum use by all of the above, in short these are all intelligence assets.

So Murdoch buys out Maxwell's fledgling empire, and is all up Conservative's asses, in helping the DIA Newt Gingrich buy FOX news for Republicans, until Murdoch's MI6 operation got exposed from the inside for spying on people in England, just like he spied on Sarah Palin.

If you  remember the Nazi of Ukraine run the Kiev operation in a major horse is backing them to get the Russian gold. These Ashkejew oligarchs are now moving more money for JP Morgan and  Blackrock. Hence the financial platform for numbers of committee members. The war machine which owns the US Congress for one in those profits and the honey pot of Kiev.

As Bill O'Reilly stated, Carlson had a shitty show in replacing sex deviant O'Reilly, until Carlson took a hard right, the Qanon right, and those trolls flowed into FOX, making them a viable political control group who had been persecuted into hiding.

The prissy kids of Murdoch want to dump FOX.  A huge price would be welcome, but this is a Maxwell transfer. Depress the price, so  the sale will be lower to the next rung on the ladder of propaganda, but this lower price will be made up for by those in Ukraine in this cash cow operation.

The time envelop for Kiev is shortening due to Russian successes. There are indications that measures in Ukraine and Texas are coinciding to get this deal done before the window closes.

Fox News Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch held a previously unreported call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy this spring in which the two discussed the war and the anniversary of the deaths of Fox News journalists last March. The Ukrainian president had a similar conversation with Lachlan Murdoch on March 15, which Zelenskyy noted in a little-noticed aside during a national broadcast last month.

The theory in this is, it perhaps is no longer Bavarian seer center one Jew York City, but if that time line is altered to another city of the maze, then the financial cover up is not necessary, as the books are being cooked offshore.

This ascending group of the cartel, the weather genocide and the love for dioxin in Ohio, has been infused into the Fauci Flu, and melding into a radioactive fall out. 

But Carlson's firing will immediately relieve pressure on key Capitol Hill Ukraine supporters whom Carlson had criticized on air -- and sometimes pressed behind the scenes to change their positions on the war.

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul has been one of the most outspoken Republican supporters of the US support for Ukraine, stepping out of line to occasionally reprimand figures in his own party who do not share his views on the subject.

In a segment last year, the Fox News host told viewers that the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee had privately called his show “Russian disinformation.”

Murdochs are divesting of America, after they were sent in to propagandize America for British use.

Watch this centered on two spheres. Kiev for blood. Jerusalem for illumination of crime.

Nuff Said

Jun 25, 2010 ... This review is from: Pinocchio (Disney Gold Classic Collection) (DVD)The one-two whammy of audience and critical indifference to "Pinocchio" ...
