As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has a great admiration and respect for the descendents of the Variganian Rus, or the ethnic Vikings of Israelite exile, who sailed up the Volga and conquerred the sons of Japheth in founding Russia.
I have great admiration and appreciation for the Russian people. They are a remarkable group of design from Fabrege to logic in chess.
I have a great admiration and regard for President Vladimir Putin, who is the greatest statesman in the post Ronald Reagan era, in the world. He is a remarkable man.
There is though a problem with Mr. Putin, and that is like many Russians, he worships at the altar of Joe Stalin and the fiction of the Soviet Union. That is a skewing of history which is going to unleash great harm to Russia and Russians, as they pose into a place, where they are being maneuvered into, for their destruction.
Russia never was child of her own fate. She did well in looking to Europe and their Catherine who was a Germanic. When the British G2, with the Schiff's of New York and Rothschilds of London brought about the assassination of the Czar and his family, to carve up Russia, and instituted the Ashkenaz Marxism to rule Russia, this was not Russia ruling her fate. She was like America is now, a hostage to the feudal global interests.
There never was a Soviet Union. There was only a dictatorship of repression where the communists and their western contacts afforded themselves luxury at the expense of Russians and the rest of the foreign peoples.
When the Soviet Union collapsed under the nefarious erosion of communism, the same money interests moved in and looted all of Russia. As President William Clinton warned, "You can not humiliate Russia like this without their rising up".
The partition of Russia for London and Bush fam oligarchs was being installed, when Vladimir Putin was produced by Russian intelligence to restore Russia, to their own oligarchs. It is crime families, but that is how Russia and the world operate. The royals of London are a crime family. The Bush family is a crime family. The hedge fund homos are a crime family. Crimes rules the facade of this world.
Mr. Putin like all Russian leadership was duped by George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama, who let them believe they were partners. Russia has had one destination and that is the carving board to be finished off and confiscated.
What Mr. Putin speaks of Russian unity, is a fabrication. Yes the Soviet Union did not war against each other as the Chechen Russian civil war, but the Soviet Union was at client proxy state war across the globe in the Soviet era.
Meet you on the other side.
"Of course, all the problems began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Why? Because the then world order - in a sense it still exists today - was built after World War II by the countries that won that war. First of all, the United States and the Soviet Union," Putin said.
The Soviet Union was created in the Stalin era to bankrupt the United States, where Europe paid for zero defense and America was bled dry of lend lease profits by the Bank of London. It was all a farce and Mr. Putin should be aware of this, but is not, even for his Russia propaganda in advocating for his leadership as a neo Soviet restoring the order of Catherine the Great.
What has been created again, to finish off the United States, is a two front Eurasian War, which will finish off Russia and China by design. Russia will be lured out into the Rhine to be poisoned and China will be drown in the Pacific. Technology will degrade and it will all be one massive death valley.
Meet you on the other side.
"Frankly speaking, it seemed to the people of my generation, including myself, and even a little bit younger ones, that yes, it was regrettable that the Soviet Union collapsed, but nevertheless, the basis for confrontation between the former Soviet Union and modern Russia and the Western world was gone, that that basis disappeared and there were no ideological foundations for confrontation anymore," Putin said. "It seemed that now everything would be fine forever. It turned out that this was not so. It turned out that the geopolitical interests of our <…> partners were much more important than, among other things, contradictions with the former Soviet Union," he added.
The Soviet Union and Communist China were always engaged in nefarious wars against what was still a peaceful United States. Angola and Cuba were slave warrior client states trading humans for Kremlin arms. Vietnam was Peking's butchery of Indochinese who just wanted peace.
Nicaragua, Afghanistan, all of Africa being decolonized was turned into communist regimes, because the few working for Moscow would not give up power to the people. The peoples of the Eastern European zone were enslaved under the greatest repression in history of Russians strangling the rights of other nations.
Mr. Putin is based in a world of fiction. Russia was at peace in the Soviet Union, because their gulags were full of salt mine slaves being abused to death from all the people who might mention that Joe Stalin did not look so well today.
After World War II, under the Soviet mass rape of German, Polish and other Slavic women by Stalin's orders, joined in with the United States a German holocaust in which 11 million Germans perished in open air sewers. There is nothing peaceful about mass murdering Soviets who disagree or Germans who you failed to attack as Stalin intended, before the Germans attacked to save themselves from Stalin's butchery.
President Vladimir Putin should not mistake the understanding and support from the Lame Cherry over Russia's right to defend Russians from a Kiev Holocaust of Russians and a restoration of the Khazarian Empire on the corpses of Russians, for a carte blanche that Mr. Putin can create fictions about the evil empire which was the Soviet Union, laying mines in Afghanistan to blow body parts off of children, as the mines were disguised as toys.
Mr. Putin should not make the mistake that the evil which has hijacked America is Western Protestant Christian. The People of the West are not Atlantcists nor Globalists. They are Protestant Christian and have no part in this vile pedo sodomite wokism that is the plague of all civilizations. The Western Lost 10 Peoples are guilty of trusting their treacherous leaders who sold out to the international financiers, but that mistake is does not condemn us to nodding our heads and having to agree with the fiction which Mr. Putin speaks in praise of the evil empire.
I would gladly debate this with Mr. Putin, but he would degrade himself in appearing upon a stage with someone of not standing as myself. I would heartedly admit of the sins of the fascists of America before Ronald Reagan and the sins of the globalists after Ronald Reagan, but the sins of America, will not condone a false witness parading the same sins in Moscow as righteous.
The Lame Cherry desires peace, equal peace, equal trade with a prosperous Russia, without American interference and without Russia interfering with America as her KGB funded the peace movement in the West to toppled Conservative leaderships for their purposes. As you can read, I'm well aware of all of our sins, and not our false righteousness. I am a Protestant Christian first and last in my Lord and Savior, the Son of God, Jesus the Christ. Worshiping or creating a fiction of the Soviets is not the basis for a Putin legacy which will last. It will do as much damage to Russia as the international cartel is unleashing against Russia.
Russia needs to praise it's Orthodox Protestant roots and embrace that unity in Jesus the Christ. That is the only Russia which will be blessed and last. Otherwise Russia auditions for the Biblical Prophecy of Gog and Maggon in Ezekiel 38 and 39 with all the rest of those left beyond the unwalled cities.
Nuff Said