Sunday, May 7, 2023

Klaus Schwab Has Come For King Charles Colonial Lands In America


The government has authorized us to use nerve gas on those campers 
for breathing too much and we are going to nuke those hikers for wearing
too loud of boots.

“Conservation and energy development go hand in hand on BLM lands,” Haaland said. “The rule is not intended to slow down any of these projects and, in fact, we are like-minded in that we do need to ramp up our clean energy projects.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a typical diversion from the Truth in what is taking place in the Biden regime, and in this expose' it focuses on the Bureau of Land Management.

For most of you, you probably have no idea what Federal Land is. You probably think it is owned by the government and you don't get to get into Yellowstone or Yosemite unless an armed guard gives you a pass or permission.

America, the real American, was a nation in which  the purpose of the federal government was to open up wilderness land, to be exploited by American individual pursuit of happiness, in order to turn a resource into a profit, which the government never could.  They had to rely on individuals looking for a way to work hard and exploit that resource, which would make them rich and America richer as a nation.

This all changed in the period of Theodore Roosevelt and John Burroughs. As American open spaces were disappearing due to settlement, they sought to conserve tracts of specific beauty unique to nature, these were the fathers of Yellowstone and Yosemite.
You will be stunned to know that both Roosevelt and Burroughs advocated a policy of killing off all large predators in bears, lions, wolves, coyotes, eagles, as they were detrimental to humanity, livestock and wildlife. Both of these fathers of Conservation, only advocated the keeping of wildlife which people could use for eating or trapping to wear fur.

This Roosevelt Burroughs shift was alien from the General Nelson Miles survey of the West, where the policy was, remove the Indian monopoly, so ore people could have the land available. Progress from large ranchers, to farming, to actually market farms like California's Central Valley, as even Montana was to have all it's basins damned up for irrigation so small farms would bring the great American Dream of land ownership to 500 million Caucasians born in America.

It must be understood, Federal Lands were always understood to be the People's Lands. The lands that came to be Federal Lands  were lands which people could not make farming use on. No one could farm a geyser basin in Yellowstone, no more than they could farm a shale slide on the Rocky Mountains.

Other forested or grasslands were just too vast for any human to own, so they were placed in stewardship to the federal government, and leased for grazing, mining or forestry, in order to create jobs  for Americans.

Never was it ever conceived that these despots like Jimmy  Carter and now Joe Biden would be confiscating large tracts of land for "preservation" in removing it from use. It was NEVER suspected that the federal regime would appear and start burning down miner and trapper cabins, numbers of which were built and used during the Great Depression.

Americans who have paid attention have watched these illegal land grabs. Disney was buying up ranch land and then cutting off access to federal lands, and locking Americans out of their lands. With selective purchases of a few hundred thousand acres, a corporation could gain control of millions of acres that they did not have to pay taxes upon.

The Bundy situation with the BLM and USFWS was a projection of this in the regime being used to drive people off of their lands in use and more importantly to acquire that land for corporate monopoly, in this case it was for the uranium industry. It was so corrupt that the FBI sent trolls to message boards calling for the murder of the Bundy Group to intimidate people off their lands.

Once you understand the background of this, the alarm bells are going off in the current Dictator Biden, non Congressional change in policy, coming out of the Interior Department. The new word added is CONSERVATION. It sounds quite innocuous, but when one starts examining this beyond the BLM speak of "Oh this is for Elk and Pheasant restoration", it reveals the bullshit of the line as the Pheasant is an invasive species from China AND IT DOES NOT SURVIVE IN NUMBERS OUTSIDE OF GRAIN FARMING LANDS. BLM lands are the last place you will find pheasants.

The crux of this is ideas like "restoring river banks". Considering that Obama oversaw  River Wilding which Biden via HAARP unleashed again in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord in massive interior flooding, the question will be not so much, "How does one restore a river bank", "After a costly restoring of a river bank, the mandate of CONSERVATION, will keep beef cattle from grazing on the lands and then going to water which will "destroy" those banks again. The correct word is 'EVOLVE those river banks just as the buffalo did". Instead this clever "CONservation" with the focus on the con job, will be heavy fines for destroying conservation measures and banning those uses which will harm conservation.

Consider the nuttiness of that owl on national lands being in short numbers. The green terrorists shut down vast lots of land, but the reason  the owls were not in old growth forest is there is nothing to eat in forests. They need fires to burn things down or logging so plants grow which feed rodents, birds and bunnies.
This same bullshit will be along the lines of, you know humans disrupt nature. humans passing by disturb nesting birds, they wake up napping fawns, they walk in worms, so therefore the only way to conserve nature is to keep people out of nature.

Now you can understand what this great park without people and people all herded into metro zoos to exist and be managed like chimps.

Under the Federal Land Policy & Management Act of 1976, recreational activities such as fishing, hunting, and camping are regarded as equally viable uses of public land as are economic pursuits such as grazing, logging, mining, and oil/gas development.

In April, the DOI’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposed new regulations in the Federal Register that would make conservation a land-use category to be considered along with recreational activities and economic pursuits on the 245 million acres of public lands it manages.

This all falls then to the opening scheme of the announced, "our clean energy projects". Clean energy does not reflect crude oil, natural gas, but it may mean our lands are going to be given to more of these nutty wind and solar farms that are killing off wildlife in the turbines and starting fires in the solar cells.

Clean energy might also mean uranium mining. It might mean all those toxic rare elements that Africans are enslaved to death in mining in Africa, and will now poison America for those electric cars which will not work.

It just might mean THORIUM, which was under the Bundy Siege in Oregon, that is a cleaner version of uranium energy, but in this case, unlike oil and gas, you are not going to get any lease money, as the land will be handed over to cartel cronies who like in Africa take everything and then to use the electric you have to sell your soul.

This is another Internationalist scheme. I'm just surprised that states like Montana, the Dakotas and Iowa are not charged for the Missouri River water flowing through those states as it is claimed federal water. Perhaps that will come.

I have no idea if John Thune is going to implement this scheme like all this other shit these GOPliters have been setting motion with liberals for years. It is why the Lame Cherry shrugs in this evil and just prays for the quicker return for Jesus the Christ to establish Justice.

We are void of anyone who writes information for the public to be educated, save this blog and a few others still out there. I'm not on the CIA  salary and have not sold my soul. I rely on people with money to donate, but they seem to deceive themselves by the brainwashing they have accepted.

What needs to be done, but will never be done, is for one Supreme Court ruling which states that unless Congress passes a bill and it is signed into Law by the President that no regulation is valid. The US Congress can not delegate Constitutional Authority and the Executive can not produce findings or executive orders which are not first passed by the People's House in the Congress.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
