Sorry Rabbi, I'm not Jewish, I'm not dead, and the Nazi did not
throw me into the Danube. I do know someone killed someone named
Jesus though. He was a Jew I think.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is reminded of Pink Floyd's song, Another Brick in the Wall, which ends with a teacher screaming, "You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!"
This this quote from the Times of Israel.
Hungary’s largest Jewish group has called to halt an Israeli-led effort to uncover the remains of Holocaust victims who were shot and thrown into the Danube river in Budapest during World War II.
A sonar scan of the bottom of the Danube on Tuesday revealed no human remains, but the team operating the sonar reportedly intend to return next month for another scan.
Bones do not just disappear. Why the Ashkejew of Hungary want this matter ended is because when you do not find skeletal remains using sophisticated electronics, it means that the German Nazi did not shoot Jews and dispose of them in the Danube as the story has been reported.
You can not have a holocaust if you do not have dead bodies. For some reason Tel Aviv was looking for a big splash to spike up this generations old story for effect again, but the Hungarians knew it was all wet and want this thing put to bed, before someone starts demanding that the history be reported truthfully that the Germans did not shoot masses of Hungarian Jews and throw them into the Danube. It is better to have things in print and have no one question them, than to come up with bones now.
It seems apparent that someone in this faction, has been troubled in finding out that the Europeans keep revising the numbers downward at the forced labor camps the Nazi's run, and the numbers do not add up, so the way the numbers can add up, is if sonar finds a few hundred bones, which can then be used as a representative figure of one bone equals 10,000 dead Ashkejew. That creates a million Ashkejew victims instantly. It was a genius plan, until not any remains were found. The Hungarian Ashkejew want this ended, but Tel Aviv is causing new focus on this, which the cartel intends to spike up the Nazi movements in Europe to cause more turmoil of this holocaust denial drama which keeps playing out.
This is just another thing that should be left to the fiction of history. Let sleeping Jews lie.
Nuff Said