Damn Reese, can see it in your eyes what you are really thinking of all this.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have not really been interested in rich people who pay 250,000 dollars to lurk around dead people who died a century ago on the Titanic. My interest now is advice to people with money. If you don't know what this is about, is rich people paid money to go to the bottom of the ocean to see dead people and the submarine they were in disappeared.
A submersible vehicle industry expert says indications to date do not bode well for the missing Titan submersible with five tourists on board that went to explore the wreck of the Titanic on Sunday.
One hour and 45 minutes into the dive, the craft went missing, according to The New York Times. The dives take about eight hours, with about 2.5 hours each for the ascent and descent.
For some reason they were telling people that the mini sub got caught in the Titanic, but the reality is this thing went silent before it reached the bottom. It went silent in an instant. That means the people are all dead, and the reason they are dead is the entire thing crushed like a Bud lite beer can run over by a fat lezbo wanna be.
The people are dead.
The advice in this for people with money, just donate to the Lame Cherry the huge amounts you waste on stupid things that do not make you happy anyway. If those people had donated 250,000 each to the Lame Cherry, they would still be alive. They would be much happier looking at pretty women than dead skeletons.
They could live vicariously through me and enjoy it, as they paid for reading this blog, just like they pay for things like food as that is the way life works. Certainly is more interesting in seeing me doing things than being locked in metal tube with other stinky people, for 5 days. Is as bad as going into space, shitting in plastic bags and watching your pee float up and splash bubbles hanging there from some other person.
I would do all kinds of stuff. I might even driver further than 20 miles from the Brier. I got all kinds of adventures I have worked for, and let's face it, in rich people are boring. They don't know how to have fun or how to enjoy money. There is no Inspiration in them.
I know one thing I would do, is I would ask JYG if he cared if I got his skid steer fixed. That thing has been on the blink for a year now. He lived in it before. He would agree to me paying for it, because I ask him. I told TL a few minutes ago that I can't figure JYG out as sometimes he treats me like his kid and other times like a non paying customer.
Was amusing the other week we were there as JYG had about killed himself on a fence post, so being injured, another customer was there and JYG says to me, "That guy back there needs you to get a tire and a rim". Glad to help out and I did. Almost killed the old guy by rolling a truck tire onto him, but I warned him and he jumped out of the way, so no harm done.
Is like JYG told me two weeks ago, after we got a metal fold up bed from him that he picked out of the dumpster. "You get over to that apartment and pick up that mattress". I went over and got it. I think a Mexican was sleeping on it, as they did not use a sheet. Just a brown pattern where the dude slept. I told TL we would let the elements deal with it, and I checked tonight, and by God that mattress looks good enough for a White man to sleep on. Who knew that Mexicans could wash off that easy.
As my brother is dead, I just don't know who might sleep on it, as the relatives have all decided they want to hate me and have a hate club about it, and that suits me fine as I don't want them around anyway. Am enjoying the idea of tomorrow that it will be almost 100 degrees and them Catholics will be burying one of their own club. I told TL that heat will probably roll another into a casket, which would be a really good story I could elaborate on.
See, you could be stuck in as sweaty submarine or be captivated by me. I'm the better deal as you got to have something wrong with you if you want space sex or get a jizz over dead Titanic people. I mean Leonardo DiCaprio is not going to look hot as a skeleton in his shorts.
Granted I would make a space flight or submarine journey fun, but I ain't risking my life over shit like that. It may not surprise you but most of the people I talk to with TL, all can talk non stop like this about things and make it all interesting.
So donate them 250,000 dollar ticket fares to me and I will let you know how it is being invested, because let us be honest here, people with money spend lots of money on themselves because they think that will make something of them and it doesn't and then they go home and are stuck looking at the same boring soul again. It is much better to pay your bills here and be part of the Lame Cherry family as we don't do necro Titanic stuff, as life is much more a thrill in living to eternal.
Nuff Said