Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Barrel Ribs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the above was the Christmas feast of roast pork beast which I did not want to cook as weather was so bad and I was in a bad mood.

Am just showing that you can cook in these barrel stoves. You can see the fire I had going. The grill or grate in front I sat the baking pan on. This was 3 hours cook  time. Everything was done. Tasted like pork as not as much smoke.

I wanted to keep the meat out of the grease, so TL said to put two sticks on the bottom and foil on top with the ribs. Worked perfectly and I burned the sticks up afterward.

This took about 7 two inch limbs and a big 4 inch thing. I was satisfied with this experiment as I wanted done meat and there is not any way I was standing around in falling snow at 5 above battling all that and trying to get meat done. Have done that, and this was easier as I had to light the barrel stove to keep us warm as the main attraction in tending stove a full time job.

I can now write some down there on the laptop so am not just sitting there. It all helps and did another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter that you will have read a month ago to almost the day on Norway.

So just like the Germans and their hearths, this is real green cooking in I just rotate the pan a few times to make sure the reflective heat does what it needs to do, and you got supper.

Nuff Said
