Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Strip Search

Yes the NSA has all my selfies. It is called Strip Search.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just for a moment, forget that the FBI has video footage of the DC Piper in facial confirmation and a recording of this person's automobile license plate number which has all been confirmed in media reports.

Instead focus on the chief investigator at the FBI being grilled by Congress and telling us that maybe the cell phone was off that the DC Piper was seen talking on, as it was a ruse.

The source of the following quote is, senior FBI official Steven D’Antuono.


So the – there’s a lot of phone data that came in. Yes, I’ve seen the same video. I’ve watched the same video. We put out the same video. It looks like a phone. Was it a real phone, a not a real phone, was it a ruse? Was it a – you know, I picked up my phone several times at meetings going, oh, yeah, I got to take this call, and walk out, right. The phone’s not on, right. So was the person just sitting there trying to pretend like they’re on a bench taking a phone call? We don’t know until we find the person, right, and ask them those questions.

We did a complete geofence. We have complete data. Not complete, because there’s some data that was corrupted by one of the providers, not purposely by them, right. It just – unusual circumstance that we have corrupt data from one of the providers. I’m not sure – I can’t remember right now which one. But for that day, which is awful because we don’t have that information to search. So could it have been that provider? Yeah, with our luck, you know, with this investigation it probably was, right. So maybe if we did have that – that data wasn’t corrupted – and it wasn’t purposely corrupted. I don’t want any conspiracy theories, right. To my knowledge, it wasn’t corrupted, you know, but that could have been good information that we don’t have, right. So that is painful for us not to have that. So we looked at everything.

OK now for some facts, and the Lame Cherry will remind you, that this was not Bodunk USA, this is Washington DC, which has satellites monitoring 24 hours a day, every location. It is thee most data collected site on earth. It is sifted and lit up constantly for data in tracking patterns.

If the DC Piper had a phone, if anyone has a phone, according to the protocols, they reach a higher priority if the phone is turned off or left in hotel or vehicle. The question is, "Why is this person trying to hide?" The question is, "Is this phone left unattended because it is a passive spy device listening in on something or is it a trigger for some other device?"

If a person does not match the established profile for that individual, that automatically lights up in the AI tracking system and becomes a graduated priority.

One might say that there were 3 million people on Jan6 in Washington DC. It does not matter as all data is Five Eyes sifted without warrant. There are cross references of credit cards, phone logs in key words, cell phones, travel, hotels etc... There are patterns in this, if someone is going from Minnesota to DC, they had better be transmitting and receiving signals with their sphere of contacts. A pattern of travel, communication and spending must follow. That lights up in cross reference to your past patterns of eating, etc.. If anyone goes to DC and goes silent, that graduates to a priority list.

The fact is, you do anything in DC that violates established patterns and you will be lit up. You walk around on video recordings looking like you are talking on a phone and you are not, that will light you up. AI is programmed to know human  activity. If that does not match, it lights up the system and it becomes a priority event.

Jun 6, 2014 ... Government spies can set up their own miniature cell network tower. Your phone automatically connects to it. Now, that tower's radio waves send ...

Jul 22, 2013 ... In most cases, when you turn your phone off—even if you do not remove the battery—it will stop communicating with nearby cell towers and can ...

The NSA paid for all of your communication and electronics design, so they could incorporate surveillance into them. Samsung is a subsidiary of South Korean CIA, which marches lock step with American CIA. Everything is built with a door and with an activation. They do not need an ap to be installed, as the phone and computer is the surveillance device.

Also note that an attacker could potentially charge/power a device with static electricity and thus without it powered on or a battery even there. Here's an article.

I would have liked this agent's testimony reversed by David John Oates as that would have been interesting. As it is, the FBI has the DC Piper's license plate, facial identity and the NSA was pinging one of their own.

The reality is, no one would care if they just told us that they planted the bombs, as with all of this corruption by design, there is too much of it to ever have the people focus on it.

Nuff Said
