Monday, June 19, 2023

The Birther's Woman

Doin' dat black ting

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the FAA set up of Pete Buttplug in removing a competitor to the Biden Plumbers planting classified information at the Delaware mansion, one can see the forces at work to install the heir to the White House.

Joel Gilbert has been tracing Michelle Obama and this is something that everyone should be aware of. According to the information,  the DNC has changed their primary parade from Iowa to start off the season, to South Carolina. This would be cotton picker Michelle Obama's "slave state" roots.

From Joe Biden to Kamala Harris, no one is going to be able to beat Michelle Obama in her solid south.

Dec 6, 2022 ... Steven White, an associate professor of political science at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University who studies Southern politics and race ...

Dec 2, 2022 ... The rule-making arm of the Democratic National Committee on Friday voted to approve a proposal to drastically reshape the 2024 presidential ...

If Joe Biden thinks that winner take all in South Carolina is his old man senility not being able to campaign again (remember he hid in his basement in 2020), then the dictator is going to discover he was set up by the Obamas.

Michelle Obama in these rigged elections is going to flatten Old Joe. The whore media will call Biden finished for a year and then will say Biden can not win.

Currently there is near consensus among Democrats that Joe Biden should not seek a second term. Biden, I suspect, is talking about running in 2024 lest he appear to be a lame duck. Michelle meanwhile campaigns on the down low. There is no other Democrat candidate with Michelle Obama’s appeal and who delivers the Obama magic that Democrats love and miss so much. And, only Michelle can provide Democrats and their media allies with their most beloved weapon, race, to fend off criticism.

For its first primary, the Democrats have replaced campaigning in every county in Iowa with one-stop shopping in South Carolina. Michelle Obama traces her roots to South Carolina and campaigned there for her husband in 2008, who won the state easily. Some 60 percent of Democratic voters there are Black and “kingmaker” Rep. Jim Clyburn has huge sway over that voting bloc. In short, no Democrat could hope to beat Michelle in South Carolina, and that includes Joe Biden. Like the Clintons, the Obamas are never going away, and Michelle will be playing her hand for the White House in 2024 sometime next year.

The elections are being rigged just as they always are. This time it is South Carolina to install the Birther's Woman.

Get Ready for Whore Force One

Nuff Said
