Sunday, June 18, 2023

Walk Putin and Carry a Big Medvedev

Поэтому все звонки делаю на МегаФон.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think that Dmitry Medvedev, former President of Russia has the best job in the world. President Vladimir Putin gets to position himself as the international leader of balanced diplomacy, while Medvedev gets to unleash with all kinds of fun things that everyone is thinking. He is Tucker Carlson, but he means what he says, and had nuclear missiles to back up what he says.

Mr. Medvedev was summarizing the terrorist attack against the Russian North Stream, and stated that Russia now has carte blanche to wipe out the trans Atlantic cables in retaliation due to international law.

It is a very sound policy. From the Russian perceptive, all these wokesters have not suffered for all the hell they put everyone else through, so why not inconvenience them and the mass public. Gee if you make the mass population furious, and as they can not get at Russians......the next best thing are their dictators who caused this problem.
That is wise policy by the Kremlin as the West in turmoil helps Russia. Will the Russians though cut the cables that bind?

Meet you on the other side.

"Now that the Western countries’ complicity in the sabotage of the Nord Streams has been proven, there should be no constraints, even moral ones, on us to prevent us from destroying our enemies’ seabed communications cables," the senior politician wrote on his Telegram channel.

From the above, one can see that cutting 18 cables is a bit of an undertaking. One wonders if Russia would cut through or blast through cables 500 different places to make a difference and then leave mines to blow up the mechanisms which would be sent out to survey and fix the cables.

The problem in this is satellites. Yes cables are vital and it would cause all sorts of problems in communications and transfers of commerce to information, but satellites can leap frog over the cables if they are down.

Would Russia do a complete job in knocking out satellites to really make things difficult, because even Star Wars has to talk to munitions around the world to do the job.

Then there is this little demon around the world.

XKeyscore (XKEYSCORE or XKS) is a secret computer system used by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) for searching and analyzing global Internet data, which it collects in real time. The NSA has shared XKeyscore with other intelligence agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate, Canada's Communications Security Establishment, New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau, Britain's Government Communications Headquarters, Japan's Defense Intelligence Headquarters, and Germany's Bundesnachrichtendienst.

In July 2013, Edward Snowden publicly revealed the program's purpose and use by the NSA in The Sydney Morning Herald and O Globo newspapers

There are 150 sites globally for Keyscore, a primary one is in central Australia, which is a literal American city as Americans live there and collect data for Five Eyes. Attacks on land proper are war, attacks at sea are not the same thing, and no one has tried that kind of warfare in space, so we do not know exactly what excuses would be made, as honestly, the cartel desires Russia broken, but not shattered, so it can be the nuclear war against China, and not NATO. Always get someone else to fight and die for you........that is the London way in the Great Game.

Undersea cables are the plausible route for Russia, as other routes are attacks on soil proper. Blowing u the Alaska pipeline, is not the same as North Stream.

It would seem for effect that Dmitry Medvedev would not just blow up communication cables, but complete what Napoleon and Hitler failed at, and that is blockading the central hub of England. This would make military sense as Barack Hussein Obama caused all this 3rd world mayhem to get populations from the 3rd world to invade the 1st world. As England requires imports, and as King Charles and Klaus Schwab are invoking a holocaust in England, England is ripe for a real Brexit. The Russian strategy would be to cut off England, make that population a dead weight to provide food and fuel for, and this would be such a burden that it would break the western woke system. Cut the key components of the Commonwealth off in Canada and Australia and England would be a black hole which would suck the entire West down with it.

Disrupting communication, disrupts finance, but that can be overcome. Disrupt the tentacles of London and the west falls.

Kremlin policy should gives some teeth to Dmitry Medvedev's words. Other wise they are just fun thing to say and enjoy listening to. Perhaps not blowing up com cables in the Atlantic, but Mr. Medvedev could mention a few spectacular localized things, and Russia could do that, then the weight of Mr. Medvedev's words would be paid attention to. That is why he is speaking as the Big Stick while Mr. Putin walks softly.

Russia is going to have to do more than  talk and do fly by's of NATO aircraft. I realize that Russia has been blowing up MERCS for sometime, but that is behind the scene messaging. Russia needs to cause some public chagrin for a month, so the fury against Russia abates and it turns on the political structures the populations on soil nativity can be yelled at.

I will never provide Russia any ideas or direction in their policies, but point out the shortcomings of their Cry Wolf strategy. It works to a point and then it stops working.

Nuff Said

