Friday, June 23, 2023

Wag the Putin


Wagner PMC 'armed coup' attempt in Russia: all the latest news

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You probably have heard by now the heralded coupd by th Ashkejew Progozhin in declaring war on the Russian military, a 3 million person force with 25,000 criminals let out of prison.

The Lame Cherry is suspect.

Progozhin has a history of complaining he has no munitions to fight and then when Ukraine shows up, he obliterates them. He was suspect in the Western media of staging a coup in late May. If he had even mentioned this, he would have been executed by the FSB.

May 30, 2023 — Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin has pushed back against claims that he could plot a military coup against Russian President Vladimir ...

Now he has declared that the Russian military has bombed his mercenaries. No evidence of this exists. He is supposedly in convoy on his way to Moscow to install justice by removing the heads of the military.

The head of the Russian special forces has gotten in on this in calling for troops to remain loyal.

Western media is eating all of this up.

The Lame Cherry has inquired of this. The word that comes out of the matrix is, this is bait.

Prigozhin was appointed to run a Russian mercenary force to project Moscow's interest. He has been crafted.

Russia is in absolute control in Russia and in Ukraine. MI6 and the CIA have been fostering assassinations and coup attempts. Russia has crippled the Kiev Nazi forces. The Lame Cherry has a point.

Sir Francis Drake in being sent by Queen Elizabeth I to pirate Spanish ships, read history of this epic sailing around the world. The first commander to accomplish this was Magellan. Magellan understood that once he entered the Pacific, he was cut off from his King. He chose in South America to make land, hold trials on those who were a problem and he killed them.

Drake was having the same difficulties, so he repeated the trials and executed by beheading the leader. He renamed his ship, the Golden Hind, in honor of the man he had just executed as the deer was on the family crest of this man.

Russia is winning. Russia understands that it has two years of war ahead in Ukraine, if not more in NATO Moldova and Serbia machinations. There is public expressions of the need to use nuclear weapons against NATO and America in limited strikes to end the Ukraine situation.

The time to deal with MI6 and CIA traitors in Russia is when the regime is in control and strong to make the operation successful.

How do you perform this? You turn loose an armed loud mouth Jew, who has been acting like he is at odds with the Russian military. This will draw out those who will be duped.

Does not January 6 ring a bell in this?

Same operation.

Just observe this from the above perspective. Watch more the reaction of American media. If you watch that, you will be closer to what the FSB is watching in lines of communication from traitors in Russia to Kiev and the West. The deep plants will have to become active in this. It is pretty hard in NSA back splash to hide the word COUP thousands of times even in ciphers. That will break the cipher.

That is the assessment I would be giving President Ronald Reagan if it was a paying job.

Nuff Said
