As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What do the following have in common.
The Sun, nitrites, lead, cream, butter, salt, bacon, mercury, meat, carbon dioxide, smoke, nicotine, gasoline, wood fires, prayer........heat.
Meet you on the other side.
New York Budget Deal Includes Ban On Gas Stoves in New Residential Construction ∞ reason
All of the above are substances which have been banned or we were told were going to kill us if exposed to them.
We now know the facts that most of the above in the fats are highly beneficial as are proteins for the human life cycle.
If one breaks down the above list, they are dominated by the life cycle in amino acids, the generation of Vitamin D, along with genetic cleansing from "sunshine", and the effects in medicinal quantities of antiquity, substances which cured people.
The reality is that if one assembles this "globalist elite list", in what was denied humans, and those toxins which have been forced into humans by food and injection, is a programme which has been completed which harms mankind deliberately, as much as the projection that there must be a genus of something which is manufacturing a planet which is lessened to the exposure of lead, carbon dioxide, solar radiation and the natural eradication of harmful parasites, bacteria etc....
Sperm count drop is accelerating worldwide and threatens the future of mankind, study warns ∞ euronews
To put this plainly, the above is of benefit to humans, much as DDT was, which was banned also by propaganda. The crux of this is that like Ivomec and Panacur have come to the front in treating the parasites in COVID as much as Cancer, that all of these other exposures are something which kills things harmful to life on this planet.
Thee only logical conclusion is that these natural substances are harmful or deadly to the group which is enlisted in banning them, as they are not majority group of human DNA.
Earth is being transformed, in carbon and hydrogen are being removed, which drive life, as much as these natural substances which protect humans have been removed, for the reason they are as detrimental to this group as parasites are killed by the above group.
Somewhere in this a trans evolution is being engineered inside a human group to not rule but be of service to the originators. The majority will be neutralized.
Lowered solar exposures, lower temperatures, lower levels in the atmosphere of carbon and hydrogen,a world without natural parasite removals.
We are looking for a species which would fit into this brave new world.
Nuff Said