Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sympathetic Ganglion Block

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something of interest which I came across in a revelation that a physician, having two related patients who could not smell or taste from a Fauci Flu strain, were given an injection of a nerve blocker in a cluster of nerves at the front of the throat and they had immediate restoration of their senses.

The assumptions by the author are still in question by the Lame Cherry, as this does not confirm this bioweapon is genetic, nor does an immediate response connect this to the spike protein or synthetic prion.

The Lame Cherry does agree with the concern that this treatment is covering a stress response as that is what is taking place.

Swelling in the body is an automatic response in the body protecting itself. Swelling is caused by fluid, as much as pain is telling the body to cease doing what it is doing, so more injury does not take place.

The prion seems to be "designer disease" in it exploits the genetic weaknesses the person has. If they are prone to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto immune, then that is what manifests. This bioweapon was not so much designed as an extinction event, but as this blog has stated, it is a trans human evolution reality.  It is a culling bioweapon in removing the genetically weakest. 

He gave a Sympathetic Ganglion Block to two related individuals who experienced loss of taste and smell post Delta. The treatment restored 95% of function – INSTANTANEOUSLY. This rang bells on two fronts. First, confirmation that the effects of the disease (read Spike) are genetic. And second, more importantly, the instantaneous response I believe indicates that there is a Chronic Stress Response being induced by the Spike Protein. I am concerned that the Block may be covering a chronic stress response. 

What is of interest in this is the connection, between pain and emotions. Pain hurts, so you tense up and that is emotions,meaning stress. What is fascinating in this is, is that loss of taste and smell, those two centers in the brain, are linked to swelling. The brain does not feel, it is basically a glob of electrical conduction matter.  It receives what other parts feel, in the way we feel is by nerves. In this masking of the effect, the body is not transmitting that it is swelling, so therefore the brain is not receiving the signal that there is a reason to inflame.

This is something that seems impossible, but it did happen. The Lame Cherry projects that why this is working is, more due to sympathetic nerves. Each of us knows that in our hands, feet and ears, are connected to other nerves in the body, it is why accupressure works. In this, the projection is, that injecting the nerves in the throat is numbing the response in the brain, which is producing swelling or I have another theory on this, perhaps it is not swelling, but contraction a pressing in on the brain which is shutting off the scent and taste circuits.
Swelling is what causes headaches in the brain. People are not stating they experienced headaches, but instead responses which are not causing pain. These are more linked to individual nerve networks in the body connected to the organ attacked, in this body attacking itself.

The sympathetic autonomic nervous system (SANS) is spatially and pathophysiologically related to both acute and chronic pain. Acute generalized sympathetic activation, as occurs with the stress response, can temporarily increase the nociceptive threshold via a combination of neural and endocrine effects.

None of this nerve blocking stops the prions. It is no more a cure than injecting your gum cures a rotten tooth. The tooth is still rotten, but you can not feel it.

This bioweapon is complex, because it is not either or. People are not aging rapidly from stress. That is part of it, as the aging is due to the first primary effect of the body is reprogrammed to making the manufacture of prions a priority in this mRNA rewrite. It is like cancer, draining the body of energy. That is part of the stress, but the stress is an after effect.

Most people who have been afflicted, do not have pain, Most have no idea they are even sick. Numbers drop dead, or just do not feel well and suffer, others have recovered from the original blood clots in using blood thinners, only to experience diabetes or another manifestation.


People exposed to chronic stress age rapidly. The telomeres in their cells of all types shorten faster. Inflammation is another important feature of stress that, along with aging, accounts for the phenomenon of inflammaging. In addition to aging itself, inflammaging can contribute to the development of several pathologies, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and others. Oxidative stress is one of the main mechanisms related to stress. Oxidative stress is caused by the over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage various tissues. The main source of ROS is mitochondria. Being suppressed by mitochondrial mutations, mitophagy can aggravate the situation. In this case, the aging-specific pro-inflammatory changes are amplified.


The mitophagy is another Latin word which you would know as cell division. That is what this prion, the spike protein, in the mRNA is unleashing or what it is reprogramming the body, that brings this full circle to the "cancer" which is not in this case what the mRNA suppresses in cancer fighting machinery, but this new priority is about producing the prion as part of this "immunity".

The cell division is one of the primary stress platforms. because the human body is burning itself out, and it knows this, which in turn is the same response to being in a famine.

The nerve block is not a cure. It simply is a treatment for the symptom of the infection in the changed DNA.

sympathetic ganglion block is a type of nerve block used in the treatment of severe or chronic pain. It involves the injection of an anesthetic medication ...

Feb 21, 2023 ... A stellate ganglion block (SGB) is an injection of anesthetic medication into a collection of nerves called the stellate ganglion.

This is fascinating like all of this. Parasiticals like Ivocmec and Quinine neutralize a great part of this, if one has not been vaxed. This is a complex bio transformation tool. It was designed things for reason and it does work effectively as transformed life and accelerated unnatural death.

Nuff Said
