Monday, July 3, 2023

A Little Night Glo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

FBI asset Hal Turner was postulating the following.

Quite "coincidentally" last week, Ukraine began telling citizens to have Potassium Iodate/Iodide or straight Iodine to take "in case of a nuclear incident."

On Friday night into Saturday, the US sent a Nuke Sniffing plane, called "Constant Phoeniz" to the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, just a hop, skip, and a jump from Ukraine.

On Saturday, Ukraine began "permanent evacuation" of places within 16km of the ZNPP.  Later Saturday, Russia told the people at the ZNPP, which it controls - they must evacuate the area and "be out BY July 5."  Russia suggested they head to Crimea.  Russia also instituted a 15KM evacuation of the Kherson region, on Saturday.   So all the civilians on both sides in the area of the ZNPP have been told to leave.

All the pieces are now in place for someone to deliberately CAUSE a radiation leak at the ZNPP, and if such a leak takes place, NATO has already said they will deem it an attack upon NATO, brining NATO into the war. If NATO comes in, Russia says they go nuclear.

I invested some research on the Windy site to assess the projections of weather. Turner is correct that a European flow will take place which would pollute NATO countries. I was more interested in which nations are expendable.

The data shows that Poland, west Belarus, that would mean part of Lithuania, Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria are the glow spots in the first sequence from the 4th to the 6th.

The situation shifts then, and it is of interest in it gets balls hot, in the 90's in this region over the next days, and the radiation will then be contained over the Crimea.

A nice rain over Kiev will saturate leaky power plant radiation over Kiev.

While Hal Turner is focused on NATO gamesmanship in Article 5, if it is the HAARP lezbos out of Germany which terrorized Americans all winter or an act of nature, is going to radioactively pollute Russia.

Ukraine will become radioactive Chernobyl north and south. It will become a radioactive no man's land.

This is a situation which is not going to be contained nor neutralized in hours. Chernobyl, without Kiev Nazi firing American missiles at Russians, took 5 months to build a structure over it to contain it.

The solution chosen was to enclose the wrecked reactor by the construction of a huge composite steel and concrete shelter, which became known as the "Sarcophagus". It had to be erected quickly and within the constraints of high levels of ambient gamma radiation. The design started on 20 May 1986, 24 days after the disaster, and construction was from June to late November. This major construction project was carried out under the very difficult circumstances of high levels of radiation both from the core remnants and the deposited radioactive contamination around it.

That of course was not Russia in retaliation launching thermonuclear warheads into the West to retaliate for this nuclear attack on Russian Crimea.

Dogs, cats, pigs, chickens...........lion and tigers and bears, oh my.

Nuff Said
