As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was shocked like most people when Elon Musk presented his child with a miniature Jew in a box. I for one had no idea there were such things as Tea Cup Jews, like Tea Cup Puppies, but apparently they were one of the genetic experiments of the Nazis, as the fad was to have your very own little Jew. Hitler apparently had five of them he would get out and play with.
This all started again in the modern era, when Grubber Zellinskyy was installed by the Nazis to holocaust the Slavs. The first revelation of this was when Donald Trump me the dwarf at a G 20 summit, and exclaimed, "Wow you really are a little dwarf. Melania would like to get one of you to hang on the Catholic Christmas tree we have as an ornament".
If you look around, you can find other celebrities involved in this craze, of giving their children a Jew in a Box.
Here are the British royals. One can see their delight in giving a kind of Russian bear which is the wrapping and box, and inside the toddler opens the bear and there is a little Jew inside.
I can see why someone would want a Tea Cup Jew. It would be lovely to have a little Jew dwarf in a box on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. IT would bring parents and children together in a specially shared joy as can be seen below.
A little Jew can be used to reenact the "never again", in you could put the little Jew on a train car, shower them, work them and rescue them.
Father Christmas though has had many disappointed children, as so many wanted their own Jew in a Box. He has told them he is out of little Jews. He has tried alternatives like normal sizes Jews, Jews who sold other Jews for orange marmalade, and Jews who are not really Jews, but it is now working as parents notice the difference in their not being kosher, and they all want to return these non little Jews.
Don't give me JewsLittle Jews, don't give me lots of little Jews
Don't Jew me in.
Here we can see the moment that the West marriage broke up, when someone gave the family their own Tea Cup Jew, and it was so traumatic that the marriage simply could not recover, or it should be noted, Kim was unable to deal with it, while Kayne as he always has done, pressed through and became an even greater spokesman for all humanity, and the finest example as a husband and a father.
So while the debate rages on, in whether it is anti Semitic to not want a Jew in a box or to want a Jew in a box, we can all agree that even little Jews have a purpose beyond holocausting other genus of humanity, and that we can not scorn the giving of Tea Cup Jews, but we can celebrate the depths and the courage of Kayne West, in helping traumatized Negroid children in expecting their own smart phone, but instead being presented a little Jew in a box.
Nuff Said