Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A Ukraine the Size of Dwarf Zellinskyy

Pimple & Ass. You figure out which one is Pimple or Ass.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry expresses a forensic psychological disconnect between the reality of the battles in Ukraine and what the woke leadership in the West are thinking is taking place.

For example, the CoS of the USDIA stated that there was a stalemate in Ukraine. A stalemate means no side is winning. Yet when one assesses the real data, the facts are:

Ukraine is losing 100 soldiers for every 1 that Russia loses. Ukraine has lost every battle. Ukraine has lost all territory. Ukraine can not mount an offensive or counter offensive. Ukraine in 6 months will not have artillery or an army as they will be used up.

Russia dominates the skies. Russia dominates on the ground. Russia is on the offensive driving back Nazis. Russia has no supply or manpower problems.

That is not a stalemate. That is a destruction of a NATO trained and armed Nazi state which  having lost is fighting in retrograde.

Meet you on the other side.

 US Defense Intelligence Agency Chief of Staff John Kirchhofer told a conference in Washington on Thursday. His assessment of Ukraine’s chances is considerably gloomier than that of other Biden administration officials. 

“Certainly we are at a bit of a stalemate,” Kirchhofer said, according to Bloomberg. “One of the things that the Russian leadership believes is that they can outlast the support of the West.”

Ukrainian forces have been bogged down in a counteroffensive against Russian defenses from Kherson to Donetsk since early June, and have failed to make any significant territorial gains against the Russians. The offensive has cost Ukraine 26,000 men and more than 3,000 pieces of military hardware


For the above reality, the Lame Cherry projects that the Nazi of Kiev will be dislodged as the new Russian state of Ukraine, with Russian peoples, will acquire the capitol of Kiev. Furthermore, the Nazi will be with their refugees pushed to Lvov, where this Ashkejew state will manifest, due to the good offices of Moscow.

If the State of Lvov looks familiar, do not forget that Zellinskyy is an Ashkejew. The Ashkejew's inhabit the state of Tel Aviv and Zellinskyy started all of this in telling the world he was creating a Greater Israel.

See how Lvov  and Tel Aviv resemble each other.

There is not going to be a victory for Kiev. The state of Lvov will resemble the accommodations which Tel Aviv has housed Philistines in at Gaza for generations.

The situation is no longer up to NATO. Russia decides when the war ends and it is not in Russian interests for the war to end. Yes take into account the manipulation in the cartel desires that Moscow keeps fighting to deplete resources, but the reality is, Russia is not depleting resources. The West has to invite an attack, but Russia is in full production.

The last thing Russia wants is a forward NATO terror base operating against Russia out of Lvov. If peace depends upon Lvov being in NATO, then Russia will never apply peace to keep Lvov a perpetual money drain on the West.

“When allies agree? When conditions are met? According to the Bucharest conclusions, the allies agreed all this 15 years ago,” the former UK leader wrote. 

“No country is in greater need of NATO membership” than Ukraine, which is currently in a conflict with Russia, Johnson said. “All the Alliance needed to do was to set out a timetable — not for instant membership; that makes no sense as long as the war is live — but for membership as soon as victory is won,”

The Lame Cherry can list NATO operations from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine and in every case, NATO has lost. NATO is losing again in a horrendous Slavic holocaust engineered out of Kiev.

The West now overflows with propaganda and Russia is well aware of the Ukraine reality. Ukraine is now being converted for NATO as a way to draw Russia out to a next step of world war, which will start in central Europe, most likely though political assassinations.

What bothers the Lame Cherry most in this, is  the West once in Christian Protestants of Ronald Reagan believed in the Truth. It was the other side that lied.  Now to break the system, the West does nothing but lie and manipulate and it is so asstard because Moscow is aware of this entire agenda.

Nuff Said
