As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is an accumulating body of evidence that these released bioweapons ranging from cancer, lyme and covid, all have a symbiotic relationship in having more than a virus spliced in, they appear to be bacteria based, have spirochetes or fungus in them, or the entire realm.
One of our animals had a sore spot and the vet prescribed a cocktail of steroids, anti fungal, antibiotic and whatever else and it was the cure. For him to be prescribing this salve, means that this hybrid is rampant in the world.
We changed dog food from Purina........that helped.
The data has always shown that weaponized cancer is a virus, which lives in an acidic bacterial soup. Like COVID, interrupt the the symbiosis and the organism dies. I believe these are creatures, because they are multi spliced organisms.
There have been reports that another anti parasitical in Panacur, (fenbendazole) was effectively treating cancer. This is in the list of Quinine and Ivomec, which proved their worth in dealing with the critter that caused COVID while AIDS in the remdesivir was killing people as it did homos.
Panacur has been mentioned as a treatment for Lyme Disease, again this is one of the first bioweapon releases which along with Mad Elk, which is prion disease (that was released by the University of Colorado in a horrific crime against nature.), which is all part of this group which anti parasiticals show positive results in breaking the symbiotic chain of necessity that these germs were all created as.
This is just information which is available in search engines and most people will not delve into the subject, but this is one of the fields upon which the Lame Cherry first published on in bioweapon releases in the SAARS.
Just another day at the office. Just another brick in the wall.
Nuff Said