As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the examination of the German war plan for Europe and Greater Germany, there is a diabolical essence to the celebrated English in their entire policy was and still is to have others bleed for their domination.
England after sacrificing the Slavs, the French, held out in the manipulation that America would bleed for them and Hitler would have to attack Russia, which would then bleed for England again as in World War I. That is why England baffled the Germans in not accepting peace and driving war forward for the genocide of Germans, the arch competitors to English domination.
Most of you reading this, have no idea the empire's blood which England spent for this war, which ended up in American vaults. Most of you have no idea that it took the English 60 years to steal back this fortune and to bankrupt the United States, creating in Biden election theft and Trump fake Russian conspiracy to crack the rule of law in the United States.
While history focuses on Operation Sea Lion in the invasion of England, Admiral Erich Raeder of the German Navy had a unique plan to vanquish the English, whom Hitler was actually attempting to save in being naive after driving them from the Continent. That plan actually dovetailed into the fiasco of the Italian failures of Mussolini in the Balkans, Albania, Greece, Libya and Egypt.
What the Admiral proposed as Hitler was about to launch Barbarosa to smash the Soviet Union before it's belligerence became active military attacks on Germany as the tides of battles turned, was a unique operational plan. Due to the Italians crumbling in Africa and Greece and the Yugoslavians performing a coup as Hitler was attempting to shore up his flank there for an attack on Russia, an attack which delayed Germany 5 weeks in Barbarosa which pinned them down in Russia later in a disaster for the winter, was that to defeat England, Germany should attack in the Mediterranean, in taking Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. The German operations in Greece and Egypt made Prime Minister Winston Churchill squeal. He immediately begged Frank Roosevelt of the United States to enter the war against Germany as the German advances in the Mediterranean had struck the empire where it mattered.
I have produced a map Admiral Raeder's order of battle. The main focus was seizing control over both ends of the Mediterranean, thereby cutting off the English avenue of supply from colonies in Asia and the subjugated Arabs with all of their oil.
This strategy would acquire protection for the Romanian oil fields which Germany needed and acquire the Arab fields. By the taking of North Africa, this would negate Free French and Americans from using Africa as a launch area into Europe, which America indeed do.
Once this was accomplished, the German Axis would liberate the Muslim lands and would then with those forces develop the part of Hitler's operational plan in dealing with Russia.
By this Naval plan, by not attacking England, England would fall. By this Naval plan America would be thwarted from joining the war with England. By this Naval plan, the Germans would be set to smash the Soviet Union from the south, taking the Russian oil fields, and perhaps not even needing a northern front.
If though a northern front was necessary, the forces would be ready as the Germans would not have to defend against America, and England would have fallen to occupation, and once this was completed, Japan would be free from Russian antagonisms, and America would face a Japanese no longer desperate for resources and an America facing a united Eurasian land war which as Winston Churchill stated would be long and ineffective.
America deprived of an English land base to launch operations, along with an Axis control of Africa, would face a new paradigm as the Lame Cherry projects this in Latin America, allied to Germany, Spain and Portugal, would become a three front war for the United States in Alaska, the Rio Grande and the Atlantic. War is a different venue when it is brought to a nation's shores so they do not have time to build atomic bombs.
There are what ifs in this, in if Adolf Hitler had not been humane in granting peace to England, but instead had moved immediately to seize the Mediterranean, England would have collapsed without food and fuel, despite the U boats. The Soviet Union without American support and Russia oil, would have collapsed as Raeder's alternative would have ended the Eurasian war pin 1942 before the United States could arm.
As Adolf Hitler stated if Germany had a few more ships a few more weeks, they would have won the first world war. It was that close in the betrayal. In examining the record, Germany was almost that close to have won the second war, but it was Hitler's humanity to England and Mussolini's mistakes with the fact the Italians are horrid soldiers, which began the decline of the Reich's successes.
Admiral Reader was correct in Germany could have with minimal force finished off England in Gibraltar and Suez, and by this shattered the Soviet Union, and thereby contained the United States, by holding wars, and isolating America from all trade, ending American economic expansion.
The key to victory against Englan and America, two seaborne nations, was to cut off the maritime choke points and by sea the land forces would fall. It seems obvious now, but in 1941 AD in the year of our Lord, only Admiral Raeder saw this, and Winston Churchill only became aware of it, after the Germans moved.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said