As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry was flagged for sensitive content in it is not permitted to do satire of DIA assets like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson, in being father and son.
I looked over the post and I do not think it was due to calling Tucker Carlson a bastard, Jackie O a slut and Melania a MILF in satire. I think it was the historical fact that Jews in the Sanhedrin framed Jesus like Jan6ers and had him murdered.
The Bastard Son of Donald Trump is Claimed
Look, I recently saw Ivanka. Blessed virgin that woman is hotter than she was 6 years ago preggo. She was doing the surfer thing with Jews on a yacht and that woman really looked fine.
I did save a picture but I don't know if I can find it. Let me see.
See what I mean. That woman got a teenager body and should be modeling yet, maybe selling her own boob formula for babies. All the plastic work she had done was not on her legs. That is all her, and she should be proud of those legs as they are million dollar legs.
Anyway it was not me saying Jews killed Jesus. It was Tucker Carlson, as is not that what he would respond to his littler sister Ivanka when she got pissy with him. I forget what happened, but I found the quote. Here it is.
It was then though that the family reunion too a bit of combativeness. The subject was Tucker's sister, Ivanka Kirshner. Tucker made a joke about never having a Jewish sister before, and maybe as she was so attractive, that maybe she would be a sister with benefits. Ivanka was on the rag so was a bit moody, and a heated discussion of religion ensued, whereupon Tucker uttered the trump card in, "You know Ivanka, Jews killed Jesus, don't you?"
Ivanka was on the rag, of course she gets hounded my males and lezbo all the time wanting the sex with her, so she would not find it funny to have her half brother putting the make on her, as she is not a Biden with Hunter around. I mean Tucker was not going to respond with she was fat, or some other insult as you just can not insult Ivanka, she is a convert to Jewry, but she is prime JAP. The real Ashkenazim are not Jews by blood, so Ivanka is like a 10 in an Ashkenaz woman group of some very not attractive women.
All Tucker Carlson would have left was to sting her with satire in noting Jews killed Jesus. Hey I read the Bible and they wanted to be known for it, so is not granting them their demands what they want. Would it not be anti Semite to not give them the credit they are roasting in hell for.
Anyway this should clear up things as I did not say those things at all. This was an inter family feud which should have been private, except of course these people are so important and popular. Everyone wants to know what is going on in their lives.
I would love to have Jewish Ivanka as my sister. Not so much her Jewish husband as he is smarmy and I have a brother in law who is smarmy who is a Swede and one of them in enough. I don't want Tiff as she is fat. I don' think I want Eric and his wife around me either as .......they just are too urban. Don jr is a flake and so is that bim he runs around with. I would like his ex wife though as a sister in law. I like her. She seems norm
Barron ......I just do not like being around Gens of the pimple age. Was around one today and I think hte kid threw pepper in his eyes so he could get off from work as he was already paid to do the work he was not doing. I don't want on Vatican vixens........had one of them as a sister in law and she is gone for good.
So yeah I would want Jewess Ivanka as sis in law. Don't want to be around her flaky friends, but I'm not Ashkenaz, so I have nothing in common with that Zellinskyy doing that Slavic holocaust thing.
I hope this clears things up, as I don't know what else was wrong in this. I'm glad I saved Ivanka's picture to put it her, and we all pray that Ivanka will be like all the real Jews who became Christians in repenting of offing Him on Passover. Even when it was God's plan, there always has to be someone to lie to get the deed done. Yes Ivanka will one day throw of her sojourn of appleness and return to the Protestant Faith of her Mother and Father, with her children and there will be rejoicing in Heaven for the prodigal daughter.
Ivanka has a hard time of it as she has the burden of being beautiful, rich, successful and she really is the best of the Trumps at finding common ground to get things done.
We all just have to chill on this as we all know Jews can't kill Jesus again, so Jesus is safe and Jews, even Ashenazim converts can not make the same mistake twice. Besides, they seem to be killing enough Philistines and Slavs to satisfy that blood libel charge, so Jews are safe as Jesus is.
I think I will close this with a Black man, as it can't be racist if it is a Black man saying it.
All this trouble for a poor orphan girl because Donald Trump blurted out he is Tucker Carlson's father and I think Ivanka would make a wonderful sister.
I would make a wonderful sister to Ivanka as I'm not fat or greasy. Be a great bro too as I'm not Don Jr.
Nuff Said