Sunday, July 9, 2023

Coming into Heat


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm fascinated in what HAARP has fudged the North American weather pattern to stave off the natural drought cycle which we are experiencing. In the Northeast they have not had a day of summer, it is more like a soggy Irish cold for weeks on end.

Remember this blog told you that there was going to be a major heat wave in May and June in the United States interior? That took place, causing a fast and furious growth spurt, along with burning up crops in Illinois. The last week of June though a cold sink was created into British Columbia, which was allowed to drift east, which in turn has made it downright cold, which is doing nothing for crop production.

It is raining though, quite a large amount of spotty pocket rains where some areas are wet even in drought zones while others are still quite dry.

HAARP in order to ripen crops is going to have to for Peking, unleash another heat wave.

At present, the American southwest is experiencing a real drought cycle heat. That High Pressure I have written about is building back in.. This should shift the rains and storms north.

There is not a cold sink in  Canada or America forming by HAARP. The median temperatures will be low 80's for the most part. Just remember the northern tier is having May weather now. In just 6 weeks, it can get quite cold in this region. The reason I bring this up is, even with this hot cycle, HAARP has screwed up the pattern so much, that it just might snow in September. If they hit this region again, it would freeze. That is a crop disaster as things are out of balance.

What should happen in this cycle, is it should break from extreme heat in mid August and then move into a normal pattern. That would be a mild September, a milder October and a fair November. The winter should mimic the winter cycles of the 1970's. After last winter in the parade of China low pressure bombs which destroyed America, HAARP proved that it could reduce temperatures 10 to 20 degrees. Exactly what has taken place in the interior.

Meet you on the other side.

Even though models updated on July 8 are showing slightly cooler temperatures for next week than previous projections, the current heat wave will probably continue as the high pressure system strengthens into next week, NWS Phoenix said in its latest forecast discussion.

“The atmospheric set up for the latter half of next week also looks to have similarities to the conditions on July 28, 1995 that led to Phoenix reaching 121 degrees and Yuma hit 124 degrees,” NWS Phoenix said in an earlier July 7 weather discussion note.

I honestly at this point do not know what is the future pattern. I can tell you at present, the Brier is with God's Grace doing well. In watering the garden it is wet, due to a surprise water dump the other night. TL had gone for a walk on a day that seemed to not have any chance of rain. I laid down to take a nap as I was exhausted. I heard TL come in and TL said, "You got to see this, the wind is blowing hard". By the time I got to the door, it was pouring rain. This came out of nowhere.
Was blessed as TL and I just weeding a bit and watering the garden. We have kept our top soil, meeting the subsoil, so it is almost too wet. The fields are not in abundant water, but they are doing really well now compared to other areas.

We are being hit by a big southwest wind. All that heat should start pumping up north from the south, the forecast does not say it will, but somewhere in this, the heat should return.

I do not believe it is going to be any nicer in the east. Our cicadas started singing on the 8th, that is 3 weeks earlier than normal. HAARP seems to be overloading the interior on moisture. Usually when the German lezbos do that, they will  take a vacation after things get topped off, so then things should dry out again.

It probably needs to be said, by none of this is global warming. The sun is generating a great deal more heat which is the reason things are warming. The fires in Canada were designed to drop temperatures and they have, but solar heat is magnified by about 10% \. Smoke shade or cloud shade drops that.  The heat though and pressure dome drives moisture east, and it concentrates it in the northeast.

I just am working with God on getting food to grow and hoping for a warm dry winter..

Nuff Said

