As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So we were in the market and I noticed while looking for tonic water that there was Ginger Beer sitting there. Only reason I knew about Ginger Beer is that is what Tom Baker drank as Dr. Who, while eating deadly Gummy Bears on that British sci fi.
As I felt like a treat and adventurous, we picked the beer up, and cooled it in the snow in the back of the pick up bed.
TL took a swig of it, and it foamed up TL's nose. I suppressed my swig foam and fizz, and I decided this was like drinking hot better beer from Mexico, which probably does not exist, but ginger is hot and this was hot.
It burned my throat, got into my ear canals, and of course made my stomach feel like........well hot for sometime. TL had the same experience.
It was an experience worth having
It made neither of us ill, as ginger is good for the digestion, and I am ready to try this aagin sometime on a drive as it is non alcohol.
I don't think this stuff is anything you want to drink in summer heat. It is just more fascinating stuff the English torture themselves with like Gin and Tonic, which is quinine booze for malaria or Coronavirus.
Shit ain't cheap, but then it appears here in the blog content and that helps out the end results.
It kind of has a ginger orange flavor, and honestly the krauts drink peppermint schnapps for the cold, and this is non alcohol and you get about the same effect, from the ginger heat without the blood dilation of the vessels.
I got to go do chores now, sans hot flavored liquids