I am a London whore and I like to do it.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So this is what the powerful American CIA has come to. Being the jack off dog on the leg of British MI6. The genocide of Slavs in Ukraine is according to the Director a great opportunity to create Russian traitors through social media.
13,000 dead and wounded Ukrainians in one month, and the CIA Director is focused on paying millions more to Russian traitors, to try to start a Russian insurrection.
Now get this, this is ILLEGAL in the Untied States according to January 6th. Yet we have an American official bragging about this on foreign soil as a whore of British intelligence.
CIA director William Burns claimed on Saturday at a Ditchley Foundation lecture in the UK that “disaffection with the war will continue to gnaw away at the Russian leadership beneath the steady diet of state propaganda and practiced repression.”
“That disaffection creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us at CIA, at our core a human intelligence service. We’re not letting it go to waste,”
Not anywhere did the Founders of America institute any of this. George Washington wanted no foreign intrigue and peaceful trade with all nations.
Nowhere is any of this American. This is so far from America and it reeks of the same shit of Queen Elizabeth I sending Francis Drake out to steal Spanish state gold on the high seas.
It is past time that it is said that this is wrong. This is a betrayal of Americans and all that is America. Nowhere in the Constitution does it delegate any authority to engage in any of this.
This is not Christian. It is immoral. It is vile. It is evil. It is unAmerican.
Nuff Said.