Monday, July 31, 2023

God is Free


This is not the teaching of the Father or Christ.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Dear LC, someone I kinda know who is radical for Jesus in there words, mentioned to me recently that I should take a course at Charis Bible college as they did a year, then I saw the tuition fees what do you think of that kind of stuff? 

I remember the verse, "Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things, in whatsoever I have commanded you."

Jesus never charged tuition fees. The Apostles never sold a Bible.

Matthew 10:8 NKJV - Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Some having satan whisper to them, will accuse, "Lame Cherry charges so how can she say about free things". No I have to beg for donations.

Jesus  said a worker is worth their wages. St. Paul had plenty and poverty.

As I have put the pieces of the puzzle before you, I will answer your question.

The first is to question you, with, "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God".

The Father gave each of us His Word by the Holy Ghost Who Inspired Holy Men of God for our teaching and discipline. Each of us have the Bible. We are instructed to study the Word. You have before you the entire instruction Book before you, a King James Bible in beautiful language. There are alternative expansions like the Amplified and the Living Bible to explain what you are reading.
I enjoy when I have time, to go on and then hover over the verses, read the meaning of each word as I click on them to understand how complex God's meaning of what He is teaching us, to give us substance.

I'm fortunate in I was formed by the Holy Ghost, He is in me. He has Inspired me, and everything I have sought to understand, He has explained. Sometimes it took me years to find the meaning, which appears often here in moments that people read and never appreciate the work involved.

Now for your teaching. Anyone can and should invite the Holy Ghost into them, understanding the RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS, as if you reject Him or go back to evil, you are dead forever. The Holy Ghost though once He is in you, you can ask Him about anything and everything, and as long as you submit and accept the direction, He will teach.

Every day, and I mean every day, I pray several times, invoking the Holy Ghost to guide my hands to open Scripture, to where He wills to have me read, and for the Holy Ghost make the explanation understandable to me.

God knows what you need in education, more than you or anyone else. You ponder that Word, pray on that Word and think on that Word and it will unfold by the Holy Ghost to you.

I would teach that everyone should read the Gospel of St. John, three times through. You will place a guidance within you which will form a foundation of Who Jesus is.

Few people know that the Christian is involved in an unbreakable marriage contract with God. This is serious. That is what Testament means. This is Covenant. The New Marriage Contract which Jesus instituted is not the blood of animals, but His Blood. This is not a physical Contract of Laws, but a Spiritual Contract of Life.

The first step in this is, that this is about God not you. You need God. God made you for His Purpose, which was to create a Spiritual Body in those who obey His Contract. The Law of the 10 Commandments kept guide us, but prove we are serious and genuine with God. The Law convicts, but it guides us to Life in Christ Who is the fulfillment of all the Law. That fulfillment is Christ paying for our death with His, so He grants us Life if we grow in Him.

I desire for people to know what this is about, that this is serious, but the benefits are wonderful. satan will attack you, but you will have contact with God continuously. God is not the Church service once a week, a prayer when you are in trouble. God is involved in every part of the life He provided you. People make preparations for the End Times, but the worm and the rodent are there in this world. I had it educated the hard way, that God must be in every part of our lives. I knew that unless God builds the house it will not stand, but I had to experience it so I knew it from experience for my education.

I never stop learning from God every day, and I never want to stop learning. Even hard lessons are welcome because God Caring for me, is perfecting me. I have never had it easy, I have had to struggle. I have no comprehension in what these people are who say they are warriors, that they are radical for Jesus. My experience is that Christians get the hell knocked out of the by satan to stop them and destroy them. Jesus suffered. The Prophets suffered. The Apostles suffered. I have read of the Virgin Mary in her grace and humility. I never heard the Virgin Mary watching her son beat and murdered in torture, talking about kicking satan's ass as she was a Rambo.

The Christian is humble, meek and mild. They are thoughtful and contemplative. That does not mean they are a door mat. Moses led a nation. Jesus saved the world. They were the epitome of humility, meekness and being mild.

Are you going to learn that in a college course? Or is the degree another stick to beat others with to make them feel inferior? I'm not saying that listening to teachers is not worth the effort. The people I listened to though, who are now all dead, were on the radio, television, wrote books, which I contemplated and pondered, each one to prove them according to the Bible. I do not follow blindly.

So with the Holy Ghost, ask God if you want to learn. He will teach you and if you want a teacher, He will probably give you one. You though have a Bible, a Concordance, which if you open your Bible up, with the Holy Ghost and examine one verse every day, that is 365 verses a year. You can write the thoughts down and re read it, and in a year, you are going to have more education which is free and will stick within you, because the Holy Ghost is there teaching you.

That is what I would discipline myself as, as that is what the Disciples were learning, discipline, which is transforming you from a physical person to a Spiritual child of God, who is the only form which will become eternal in God.

As I have written probably too much information, the point is, start reading your Bible in the Inspiration of the Holy Ghost Who you invoke. Speak with God and listen for answers that match  the Bible, and where God Wills  you to be, will manifest for His service.

It all comes down to your relationship with God. We meet God alone, not with props. That is the focus.  It is Christ within us by the  Holy Ghost of God in us.

God bless you in God's direction in Jesus Name, Amen.
