Sunday, July 30, 2023

Americans Commanded by General of Polish 2nd Corps Against Russia

I love the smell of burning Jews in the twilight's last gleaming.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry protests this asinine Bay of Pigs involvement of the United States in "chain of command" forces facing the Russian Federation.

This is beyond dangerous and no one in the United States is even aware that America had in command of it's 5th Corps, a deputy commander who was not American, but a Pole. This Pole is now  commanding Polish troops in Poland, sent forward to attack Russia. 

What is being initiated is are Par Deux of the disaster of the NATO Maginot Line in Ukraine which Russia destroyed. Americans trained Nazi corps to attack Russian troops and failed completely. What is setting up in Poland now, the Polack version of Kiev Nazi's, in this General Yokes who should never been in the chain of command of US Soldiers, is forming his own "Yankee Corp" to face against Russia and Belarus, based upon thee American model of warfare.

In other words, the Poles are now the test subject if they can make American warfare work against Russia, to start the NATO war.

Meet you on the other side.

"The 2nd Polish Corps will be organized according to the American doctrine. it will include, among other things, a squadron of attack helicopters," the country's Ministry of Defense said.

This means the new Army Corps will be bolstered with AH-64E Apache helicopters along with the multirole S-70i Black Hawk.

Lt. Gen. Adam Yokes, who previously served as deputy commander of the US Army's 5th Corps, headquartered in Poland, has been named head of the corps.

According to the military department, his experience with US troops will be needed when organizing a new formation.

"The whole world knows very well that the US Armed Forces are the strongest, best organized and equipped with the best modern equipment. Our goal is for our army to have this type of equipment,"  said the head of the military department, Mariusz Blaszczak.

According to him, the development of Poland's military power is due to Russia.

"Our goal is to create a very strong Polish army so that Poland will not be attacked by the Russians and scare Moscow. We will ensure that the Abrams and Apaches close the gates of Brest," Blaszczak noted, referring to the shortest route from the eastern border to Warsaw.

I can remind everyone what the Bavarian Seers all saw unfolding in this next war. The Russians blew though eastern European NATO like shit through a goose. The only point that held, to it being obliterated in a short time was Prague. The eastern Europeans will not fight, no more than they did in World War II. Once Russia moves with it's armoured columns backed by mechanized infantry, this war is going to be on the Rhine, in Italy and France, about as quick as it takes to read this.

This is not any secret in what the Lame Cherry is about to inform you of. America is based on high mobility of firepower, backed by air and satellite. What a corps is, is an interwoven mobile strike force. It requires a complete mesh of logistics, intelligence and firepower. To break this down simply, a corp has infantry, backed by helicopters and infantry, with air power for the calling. Any enemy force worth a shit, which America has not faced since Vietnam, and before that it has not faced any competent force, since Generals Lee and Johnston led Confederate forces, is going to obliterate two components of thee American mesh. The tactical points are logistics, meaning fuel and ammunition, and attack helicopters.

This is what the Russians / Belarussians / Wagner will strike hard and fast first. They will obliterate with hypersonics air bases, blind satellites and radars, and destroy on the ground helicopters. The mesh is then torn, and the Russians then attack the NATO units with gusto in their long range bombing platforms, drones, and helicopters, assisted by artillery with a smashing tank force breaching lines.

If one remembers the Seers, that is what will take place. Russia will move so fast that NATO will fall back in shambles, with central European airpower for cover at Prague with artillery. The Russians will smash this holding force at Prague and blow through to Germany and France.

The same results will take place in Scandinavia and Italy. The Seers note that the festoonery in Italy is an atomic tidal wave wiping out NATO forces south.

The Lame Cherry predicts that Polish 2nd Corp will be dead before it can maneuver. We know this because Russia threw off thee American deployment as it did not work in Ukraine. Russia returned to infantry fighting and obliterated the Kiev Nazi's still deploying in American structures.

If you have children deployed in  Europe who are American, they will not return home. Russia will not fight an atomic war in Europe. They will fight with conventional force and overwhelm this NATO palace guard.

Having rid thee American military of White Christians, V Corps
will now my woke homosexuals rule the world in our new order.

If the United States had an American President, these culture warriors at the Pentagon would be sacked, and the Americans would withdraw from these warmongers at NATO who want Americans to die for their Nazism. The Europeans want to fight and die against Russia, then by all means let them die by the bushels, but keep Americans out of this next staged world war.

Nuff Said
